A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Jan 31, 2010

Disturbing Numbers by Craig Covello

Here is an interesting article by Craig Covello from his web site.  It is about the staggering national debt and the out of control spending by our Democratic Congress.  Let me know what you think.


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Jan 30, 2010

Generic ballot polls suggest possible epic party disaster for Dems | Washington Examiner#ixzz0e7aLs3mI#ixzz0e7aLs3mI#ixzz0e7aLs3mI

A great one!

Generic ballot polls suggest possible epic party disaster for Dems Washington Examiner#ixzz0e7aLs3mI#ixzz0e7aLs3mI#ixzz0e7aLs3mI

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Obama's Stunning Admission - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

This is quite interesting little note on the health care debate. Read it and let me know what you think.

Obama's Stunning Admission - Real Clear Politics – TIME.com

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Jan 26, 2010

While America Drowns, Obama and the Elites Party - Pravda.Ru

I never thought I would ever publish something from this commie rag, but it seems, at least, that Pravda has the facts right about the economic situation and Mr. Obama's complete lack of interest in America or it's problems.  Check it out and once you get past the Commie propaganda, it's pretty acurate and pretty funny.

While America Drowns, Obama and the Elites Party - Pravda.Ru

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Jan 25, 2010

A Matter of Control by Ira Schwartz

“The only sure bulwark of continuing liberty is a government strong enough to protect the interests of the people, and a people strong enough and well enough informed to maintain its sovereign control over the government.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Barack Hussein Obama was elected by the winds of change which swept across the United States like a Kansas twister. We were tired of 8 years of the Bush Administrations and wanted something new, something different. Barack Obama exploded on the scene and immediately caught our attention. He was charismatic, a good speaker and had a definite plan that would change America for the better. Such quotes as, “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek” only fueled our excitement further.

This was what we wanted to hear, this was what we had hoped for. So where did everything go so terribly wrong?

It started when we the people became content. Obama was the man we wanted so we over looked a lot of the early warning signs. After all he wanted change just like the rest of us. What we didn’t understand was to get to this land of milk and honey we would have to trust that our government knew what was good for us. We would have to surrender some of our “freedom”; we would have to surrender “control”.

“Freedom” and “control” are important words to us Americans. This country was born because our founders wanted to be in control of their own lives and the freedom to live them as they saw fit. Almost every war the United States has ever participated in involved some element of “control” or “Freedom”. Let’s face it, we Americans like to be in control of things. When we’re not we become very agitated and angry. That’s just who we are and that is what made this country great. It is also what pisses off a lot of other countries. But that’s their problem and if they don’t like it they can get money and protection from someone else. But I fear I stray too far.

“Control” and “Freedom” are the cornerstones of our society. These are the building blocks on which this great country of ours was built. These are two of the things most Americans would be willing to shed their blood to protect. So when the present administration began to erode our “Freedom” and “control” many of us stood up and took notice. Healthcare reform, Cap and Trade, Cyber Security to name a few. At first we were confused, those that were speaking against this legislation must surely be wrong. Obama wouldn’t do this to us. But as the realization of what was really happening set in we became agitated, then angry, very angry.

So we began to fight back. The more “control” the Administration tried to gain the louder we complained. In the beginning our cries of protest were largely ignored. With control of the House and the Senate they were certain they could pass whatever legislation they wanted. If history teaches us anything it teaches that nothing in life is a certainty. It also teaches that Americans rarely do what you expect us to do as displayed by the Republican win in Massachusetts last week.

Barack Hussein Obama, 44th President of the United States, fell into the same trap as did the British, the Germans, the Japanese and the Iraqi’s, he underestimated the American peoples will not to be controlled by anyone, not even our own government. I’m sure President Obama is confused by our reaction and angry because he is no longer in control. But he of all people should know that any control he thought he had was granted to him by us, the American people and it could be revoked as quickly as it was given.

Slowly the control is moving back to where it belongs, with us….the people. And hopefully those in our government are learning a lesson that that is where it will always belong. Those that don’t will learn a harsher lesson in November; it will never be the American government that has the final word…..it will always be the American people.

© 2010 by Ira Schwartz. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

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Jan 24, 2010

The How's and Whys of Runaway Production

I am sitting in my hotel room in Bangkok on a Sunday afternoon; taking a break from prepping a film that will star Djimon Hounsou and be directed by the Steven Spielberg of Thailand, Prachya Pinkaew. Prachya is famous for Om Bak, Chocolat and Tom Yung Goon, three of the highest grossing films in the history of the country. You may be wondering why I am in Thailand and not somewhere in the United States. Why am I in a country 9,000 miles away from home when I could be shooting this movie anywhere in America including Los Angeles.

In the case of this film, the answer is more complicated than in others. The location of this film is South East Asia and, it is directed by a Thai national. That is not always the case. And, more often than not, the location of the film and its director is not even an issue. Many films that could be shot in America are not. In fact, many films with American locations are shot outside of America.

Why? The answer is simple: cost. Because of the ridiculously high labor costs and other production costs in America, it is just simply not feasible to make a movie in America anymore; especially a lower budget independent film. And, unfortunately, this is a symptom of the entire economic problems facing America today. I would love to work in the United States and be home with my family, friends and my little kitty Sidney. I cannot.

The clothing industry does not manufacture in America. The steel industry is all but gone. The automobile industry is all but gone. There are countless others. It is just too expensive to create almost any type of product in America. Unfortunately, this is leading to the elimination of our middle class. The working man can no longer work in America. If my father were still alive, I do not know how he would make a living.

The remainder of this article will be about the film industry as that is my area of expertise. But, keep in mind while you are reading that these problems are prevalent in all of the industries mentioned above, as well as others, not just the film industry.

Independent films and many studio films are now shot mostly in Eastern Europe, Canada, South East Asia and/or South Africa. The only real production in America these days is in heavy tax incentive states such as Louisiana, Michigan and the Carolinas. New York and Los Angeles, the homes of film production and the industry since its inception, only have production that either involves a star with the leverage to force production in those cities or if they are location specific to either state (and not always in that case either). In fact, we have shot films that take place in New York in Bulgaria on occasion.

The major culprit in the destruction of this industry and in most others is, as always, the unions. The unions refuse to work with the producer to make shooting in America cost effective. The average independent producer has a fixed amount of money to make his movie. The pocket is not deep. Even studio films are looking for ways to save money now. When you are a producer with fixed funds, you shoot the movie where your available money will bring the most bang for the buck and insure the existence of your ever decreasing profit margins.

For example, you could make a low budget action movie in 1995 for about 2.5 million dollars and be pretty sure you would get 3.5 million dollars back within 18 months. Now, that same movie can only be made for about 1.5 million dollars and the producer is struggling to get 2.0 million dollars back. Keep in mind that the same movie you made in 1995 for 2.5 million dollars would now cost 3.7 million dollars. (Calculated using an average of economic indicators, not just CPI) So, by making that movie for 1.5 million dollars you are making a far lower quality product.

If you tried to make that film for 3.7 million dollars, you would make the equivalent of the same film but you would almost guarantee the producer a loss as the sales on such films have gone way down in the past 15 years. You would probably only get the same 2.0 million in sales that you would have gotten if you made the film for 1.5 million dollars.

The average cost of shooting outside of the United States is often about 30-40% of the cost in the United States. For example, you can shoot an action film in Eastern Europe for about $700,000 per week. That is about one-third of the cost in Los Angeles and about 70% of the cost of shooting in a major tax incentive state.

I am shooting this movie in Thailand for even less. In fact; substantially less. We are shooting this film for 48 days of principal photography and our overall production cost is about ½ of the cost of Eastern Europe. No wonder I am forced to spend four months in a hotel room in Thailand. Do you blame the investors?

If I were to go to the unions in Los Angeles and say, “I want to make this movie in Los Angeles.” They look at you and say to pay the union rates, the standard pension, health and welfare and residuals. You are told if you do not have the money to pay them, then do not make the movie. You are never given the opportunity to negotiate a deal that works for the particular film in question. You are given a mandate and told to live by it. And if you do not like it, then tough.

Further, when you do shoot a film in the States, you are forced to obligate yourself to the payment of residuals forever. I ask you, in what other business is the investor/owner forced to pay the employee for work done years ago, every time he makes a dime?

The union people are now going to say that I am typical management and do not care about the working man. They will say that residuals are cheap. If the movie is made with all entertainment unions, the total cost of residuals is less than 10% of the total income. But, if you are only making a 25% return on your money, the residuals eat up approximately 10% of that return, leaving you with only a 15% profit. A motion picture production company cannot survive on that.

I would think that the working man in the United States of which I am one would rather work at a lesser rate inclusive of the medical protection than have the work go overseas. But, the general consensus is not.

Of course, if you shoot outside of the United States, you do not pay residuals at all except for some money to the Screen Actors Guild* who must be used no matter where you shoot. You get to keep your measly profit and hopefully put it another movie that will keep residents outside of the United States employed.

I can go on with this column for another 10 pages or more and never repeat myself and maybe I will in the future, but for now, I am going to spend the rest of my afternoon relaxing. I have a big week coming up.

* See my prior article on the Screen Actor’s Guild and Global Rule One printed earlier in this column.

© 2010 by Frank T. DeMartini. Permission to be copied will be freely granted.

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Jan 21, 2010

Don't Tread on Me by Ira Schwartz

It always amazes me how a particular image or phrase can always stir up such strong emotions in people: “Remember the Alamo”; the songs “God Bless America” and “The Star Spangled Banner”; or the images of the Marines hoisting the American flag over Mt. Suribachi and the NYC firefighters raising the flag above the debris of the World Trade Center. Imagery is everything to us humans and often evokes some of the strongest emotional responses.

One image that is as much a part of our history as any of those I mentioned above is a flag with a coiled rattlesnake in the center with this warning boldly printed underneath, “DON’T TREAD ON ME”. That flag become Massachusetts battle cry and eventually all the colonies as the then fledgling United States fought for its freedom against the thundering juggernaut that was the British Empire.

Since the Revolution, that flag has been flown many times as both a symbol of American patriotism and as a symbol of disagreement with the government. It appears it is time to fly it again; in the very state it was first introduced…Massachusetts. It appears a new revolution has started and the first shot was fired by the people when they elected Republican Scott Brown to the Senate. It truly was “a Shot Heard Round the World”.

It appears the results of this single election have caused more aftershocks in the political arena than any other event in recent history. First of all Brown is the first Republican to occupy that seat in 46 years and in one night managed to stop the Democratic juggernaut dead in its tracks. It has panicked the Democrats who are now frantically scrambling about trying to limit the damage wherever they can. WHDH-TV reported that Senate Majority Leader Reid tried to contact the new senator but was unsuccessful. I would have loved to have been a “fly on the wall” in Reid’s office when Browns people refused to put him through.

So what does this all mean right now? First of all this upset win has shaken the Democrats to the very core. So much so it prompted Virginia Democrat Jim Webb to tell Pelosi and Reid he would not go along with trying to ram the Health Care Bill through. Saying, "I believe the most appropriate way to move forward is to have Senate-elect Brown seated before we have any more votes on this issue." You can bet more will follow.

Even the White House has decided to drop back five yards and punt. President Obama, in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, said that he wants the Democratic controlled congress to “coalesce” around parts of insurance reform that Republicans might embrace. He continued, “I would advise that we try and move quickly to coalesce around those elements of the package that the people agree on.” That is the first time any Democrat ever mentioned what the “people” want in reference to healthcare.

Whether Pelosi and Reid like it or not Healthcare will now be placed on hold and will have to be completely reworked if the White House has any hopes of it getting passed. Most feel it won’t see the light of day in 2010. Also the American Clean Air and Security Act (Climate Change Bill) is now in jeopardy as well as the highly controversial Cyber Security Bill. Slowly the Democratic agenda is crumbling before their eyes.

Will the American people firing this salvo across the White House’s bow wake them up? Maybe not but at least this has gotten their attention and made a lot of Democrats very nervous. With the Democratic “magic 60” broken it is going to be much harder for them to get anything done unless they begin bi-partisan negotiations. Republicans need to understand that this is only the beginning with a long, hard road ahead. But it is an opportunity and one that should not be mishandled or allowed to slip away. The American people have spoken in a very loud and simple voice, “Don’t Tread on Me.” It would be advisable for those in public office to listen this time or they could find themselves on the outside looking in come November.

For those of you that forgot you’re high school history a link to the flag is listed below.

© 2010 by Ira Schwartz. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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Jan 19, 2010

The Kennedy Legacy Ends

As you all know, I am in Thailand prepping a movie.  However, my joy is overflowing right now.  We have begun to take back our country.  The Senate seat held by Ted Kennedy for longer than a lot of people have been alive is now in the hands of a Republican.  Goodbye super-majority in the Senate to the Democrats.  Goodbye to Ted and the rest of the Kennedy clan.  May their legacy rest in peace and may they finally be out of our lives.

Long live the United States of America.

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Jan 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. Helped Recommit Our Nation To Its Founding First Principles | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

Here is a great article about Martin Luther King that shows he did not want to change America, but wanted America to live up to its founding principles. He was a true American and we commemorate him on his day!

Martin Luther King Jr. Helped Recommit Our Nation To Its Founding First Principles The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

A by-the-numbers look at Obama's first year

Here is a look at some of Obama's key numbers. Some are good and some are not so good. What is key is the growth of government and the increase in the Federal Debt. An analysis of these numbers pretty much says it all. Obama and his cronies in Congress are nothing more than old fashioned Tax And Spend liberals. It's Jimmy Carter, Walter Mondale, Ted Kennedy, Michael Dukakis and McGovern all over again. They never learn!

A by-the-numbers look at Obama's first year

Jan 17, 2010

The measure of a man

This is a great article that is quite telling. I hope you enjoy it.

The measure of a man

Jan 11, 2010

A Short Break

Loyal Readers and Friends:

As you all know by now, I am travelling this week and will be on my way to Thailand to do a movie.  Accordingly, there will be no original material by me until sometime next week when I am in Thailand.  Hopefully, Ira or someone else will be able to post something this week so that the column does not go completely blank for a week.  But, if so, there is not much I can do about it.

I look forward to writing again and I hope that you all have a great week.

Just one side note:

In my whole life the word "Progressive" has been a good thing.  It means someone that is progressing.  Going foward.  When did it become the "evil" tag of the far left?  And, when did a conservative become "Regressive".

I have a real problem with this nomenclature.

Any comments?


Jan 7, 2010

Connecting the Dots by Ira Schwartz

Well the speech that was supposed to shock us is over and in the books. Now those in the news industry that are supposed to know have begun the dissection. However, I for one was not shocked or impressed except for our Presidents use of several familiar clichés scattered throughout the 12 minute speech.

Let’s see; “connect the dots” was used three times, “no stone unturned” and the “buck stops here” twice. Not a record for a Presidential speech but pretty good for a 12 minute expose. Well let’s just “connect the dots” and see where they lead.

Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano, in her remarks after the President’s speech, basically blamed the whole breech in security on the Europeans. In that respect she is partially correct. Abdulmutallab was able to move through several overseas airports without drawing anyone’s attention. He went through metal detectors, was patted down and had his luggage checked with nothing unusual being found. Now the CIA is saying that the report sent to our embassy in Nigeria by Abdulmutallab’s father made no mention of his concern that his son was a terrorist. Just that he was missing and he feared his son had fallen under the spell of Islamic extremists. No red flags there right. So when the report was forwarded to the CIA it was no wonder it sat on an administrator’s desk for 6 weeks. I guess we really didn’t learn much from the terrorist attack at Ft. Hood.

President Obama said “I have ordered the intelligence community to assign specific responsibility for investigating all leads on high-priority terrorist threats, distribute intelligence reports more rapidly and widely, do a better job of integrating available intelligence and improve criteria for adding people to a "no-fly" list.”

Now tell me if I’m wrong but weren’t we supposed to have done that after the Ft. Hood shooting? And is the President saying that no one in our security community was in charge of investigating these “leads”. If no one was in charge, then my question is “Why not”. How can you not have any one in charge of coordinating information that can potentially have life and death ramifications on people’s lives? If it hadn’t been for the sheer stupidity of Abdulmutallab, 300 lives would have been lost over Detroit, not to mention how many on the ground in Detroit.

As far as the President “stepping up” and “taking the blame”…..he’s just stating the obvious. Of course he’s to blame, he is the President of the United States, a position I don’t think he was prepared to accept or really understands. And he is “not” firing anyone. I can think of two people I would send packing immediately; Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan and Homeland Security Head Janet Napolitano.

So what does this all mean for you and me when we fly? Airline officials say get to the airport at least 2 hours before your boarding time. Be prepared for your luggage to be thoroughly searched and for you to have a full body pat down. Once flying you will not be able to leave your seat or have anything in your lap for the last hour of your flight. I guess there will be a lot of leg crossing for those of us who fail to make it to the bathroom before the dreaded deadline. Full body scanners are also in our future. So I suggest some of us start hitting the gym at least 6 weeks before we plan to fly. Truth be told these inconveniences to us are actually real obstacles to a terrorist. So I guess we’ll need to just grin and “bare” it for now, the alternative is unacceptable.

Below is a link to the report by our security community on the December 25th attempted bombing. It’s an interesting read.

© 2009 by Ira Schwartz. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.

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Jan 5, 2010

The Bizarro World by Craig Covello

Are you familiar with the Superman comic series? No, I don't mean having the ability to recognize the red cape and blue tights. I mean really familiar with the details. Who was Superman's employer? What substance made him weak? OK, admittedly, those are easy, but did you ever hear of the "Bizarro World". This is a cube shaped planet in our solar system where everything is opposite of Earth. Actually, Wikipedia has a somewhat awkward description of Bizarro -

"In the Bizarro world of "Htrae" ("Earth" spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!". In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: "Guaranteed to lose money for you". Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, "Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together". This is intended and taken as a great compliment."

So you get the idea. In the Bizarro World, everything is opposite. Now what does this have to do with political discourse? Well, I had an opportunity to come in contact with one of the Bizarro World's political writers. His name is David M. Green and he is professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York. Mr. Green recently wrote an editorial blasting Obama from the viewpoint of the political left. So step into the Bizarro World for a few minutes and read it for yourself ....

Welcome back from the Bizarro World, which appears to be the model for higher education. The editorial you just read was written by a political science college professor. A guy who has decided to devote his life to teaching our kids. A guy who considers himself learned. Someone who should have the ability to write somewhat objectively in the marketplace of ideas. Instead, we have a professor who uses the following terms to describe Obama -

"the little prick"
"clown "
"skinny little geek"
No, these phrases were not written on the wall of the 3rd grade boys bathroom. They were published by a web site called Counterpunch which describes itself as "America's Best Political Newsletter". Bizarro indeed.

To be fair, Green believes Obama should be much more concerned with creating jobs than reinventing health care insurance. I agree with him. But I disagree with most of his other assessments, including his views regarding the Republican Party.

"You know, elite Republicans may be sociopaths, and they may be lower on the moral totem pole than your basic cannibal, but they’re not stupid."
To be clear, I am not a fan of the Republican party of late, but I don't consider the party sociopathic. This is ridiculous hyperbole more suited to professional wrestling interviews than to commentary on "America's Best Political Newsletter" . Enough was enough. I decided to engage Mr. Green directly by sending the following email.

Craig Covello to David.M.Green
Dec 29, 2009


We have never met, but I just read your editorial about Obama that is making its way through Face Book. Based upon your writing, we do have one thing in common. Neither of us likes our current president very much, but for very different reasons. I am a conservative, so when I write about what troubles me with the current administration, my thoughts usually revolve around recent events, policies, statements and facts. Your editorial seems to ramble and rant against personalities while projecting a good deal of anger. I am not sure what you stand for, but I can tell you that your anger and use of explicit language does not speak well for your as an educator. I am glad my boys go to UCLA and the University of North Texas instead of Hofstra.

Craig Covello
Folsom CA

And here was the response....

David Green to Craig Covello
Dec 29, 2009

…I’m glad they did, too Craig. At least, if they’re as wont to make bogus assumptions as their dad.

What on earth ever gave you the idea that I run my classroom as editorial polemics sessions, complete with foul language? One thing I despise about you right-wingers is the ad hominem remarks. The other thing is the robotic repetition. I could practically write your email for you - you guys always say the same crap. Meanwhile, yeah, I’m angry. I’m angry about how regressives wrecked the country, and I’m angry that Obama is not fixing it. As the tag line of my website says, "If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention". With all due respect, you seem to fall into both categories all too neatly.


So it appears that Mr.Green has as much contempt for me as he does for Obama. Some of this anger may have been self-inflected, since my email was a little provocative. I admit to using charged words such as "ramble" and "rant". Mr. Green's response, however, did not really address the issues I called him on. What does he stand for? What are the real solutions in his opinion? No, his response was more of the same. Ridicule and cynicism. And Green's assertion that he is politically objective and free of foul language in his college classroom is a little hard to swallow -

"What on earth ever gave you the idea that I run my classroom as editorial polemics sessions, complete with foul language?"

Perhaps I got the idea FROM HIS ARTICLE". I guess in the Bizarro World, a liberal and caustic professor can change his personality by simply passing through a door. He can publish scathing personal attacks on others, use sophomoric language to humiliate and denigrate large groups of people, yet become an objective and considerate educator of young minds after entering the hallowed halls of Bizarro University. Green may have an advanced college degree, but for all his education, he seems to have trouble understanding Obama. To quote Green's own article

"This guy is killing me, though at the same time I still can’t quite figure him out."

Hey David, put down the diploma for a few minutes and try googling "A Hollywood Republican" or " Craig's Notes on the Obama White House Diaries" or better yet, the US Constitution in order to get a different perspective. Then maybe you can understand Obama's game plan. And thanks again for shaping the minds of America's youth with phrases like "the little prick".

Copyright 2009 by Craig Covello. Used with permission. All rights reserved

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Jan 4, 2010

America Rising by Ira Schwartz

"We must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately."
Ben Franklin 1776

Welcome to 2010 everyone, the year of the second American Revolution. This will be the year “we the people” take our country back. Sounds good doesn’t it. Sounding “good” is one thing, making it happen is another?

The unhappiness in this country is on the rise; the slow rate of recovery of the economy; record setting unemployment; the expanding debt; healthcare issues; two wars and the list goes on. The people’s patience has reached an end and the government continues on as if nothing is happening. A “clean Sweep” in November is what most Americans are talking about. That’s all well and good but who are we going to replace them with and what will their values be?

The loudest voices are those of a conservative nature. They want to bring America back from the abyss of corruption and moral depravity and back into the arms of conservative moral values. But what exactly are those conservative moral values? We need to know this before we can proceed.

Most of the conservatives I’ve talked to are not shy about what they believe in. To list them all would take too long so a link to Conservative vs. Liberal values can be found at the end of this article. Most of those issues have been “hot topics” for quite some time and a large section of this country does not subscribe to all of those beliefs. Americans are indeed angry but they are also NOT stupid. We are not prepared to put people in office who do not represent ALL Americans just to remove those that are presently in power. We already made that mistake once.

For this “Second Revolution” to work, all Americans must be heard and all our concerns MUST be taken into consideration. If the conservative section refuses to budge then they will be forced to go it alone and they will fail and they will be blamed for allowing the present administration to continue. The burden will be theirs alone.

So what’s the answer? The answer is what this country is all about. The answer is what we call ourselves…The UNITED States of America. We need to stop the political rhetoric and start searching for those candidates that will help this country move forward. Not on a conservative agenda or a liberal agenda or a Republican agenda or Democratic agenda but on as I said in my first article 7 months ago a true bi-partisan American agenda. We need to carefully scrutinize all the candidates and make sure they will really be working for “The People” not their own political parties.

The power is in our hands and we need to wield it wisely for we may never get a second chance. This country is at the crossroads and what we do in the next 10 months will decide its fate for decades to come. There will be no do over’s so we need to do it “together” and we need to do it right. Not for Republicans; not for Democrats but for all AMERICANS.

Quote from “An American President” 1996-written by Aaron Sorkin-Michael Douglas as President Andrew Shepherd.

“America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free".

©2010 by Ira Schwartz. Used by Permission. All rights reserved.

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