A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Jun 28, 2010

Something Obama Has Done Right by Craig Covello

This week, a friend of mine who knows me well, and therefore understands my conservative views, challenged me with a question.

"I know you think Obama has done almost everything wrong. What do you think he is done right?"
I stumbled for answer, but eventually offered that Obama has done a relatively good job killing terrorists in the Middle East using the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). That's about all I could come up with until I reflect upon something that Michelle Obama said while stumping for her husband during the 2008 presidential campaign:

"Barack Obama is going to require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation. That you move out of your comfort zone. That you push yourselves to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual. Uninvolved, and uninformed."
Yes, I admit to criticizing this statement in some past OWD articles because it was reflective of the arrogance of this administration in attempting to dictate what Obama is going to require of me. It is a blatant proclamation of what Barack will demand that I do and what he is going to allow and not allow regarding my personal life. But there is an ironic twist. My friend's question made me come to the realization that Obama may actually be saving this country instead of destroying it. No, that's not sarcasm. Allow me to explain.

You see, many of us never really had much interest in politics up until now.

• We allowed Congress and past presidents, including Bush, to run up the national debt on a steady, predictable course.

• We permitted the federal government unrestricted growth and unreasonable domination over so many areas of our lives.

• We stood by and watched administrative agencies such as the EPA exercise almost totalitarian control over so many decisions, which should be left to the discretion of state and local government. The confusion and incompetence associated with attempts to clean up the Gulf oil spill is a sad but accurate example.

• We let George Bush pass the Patriot Act, which allowed the executive branch of government to issue search warrants, virtually eliminating our system of judicial checks and balances regarding rights to privacy.

• We saw Reagan give amnesty to illegal aliens in the hope that it would be a final cure-all, only to find ourselves in a more threatened position today regarding the security of our borders.

• No one paid much attention to Barney Frank's sanctimonious speeches in Congress touting the soundness of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, while promising affordable housing for everyone regardless of their ability to pay a mortgage.

• We let the President of the United States drag us into the Iraq war without a clear strategic vision or exit strategy.

• We permitted Congress to languish on implementing reasonable healthcare legislation designed to contain costs, increase portability and limit the staggering amount of our money going into the pockets of lawyers.

• We let politicians divide us by emphasizing differences in race, religion and economic status instead of uniting us as a nation of proud Americans. Americans who prefer to celebrate our accomplishments instead of denigrating our culture and heritage.

• We allowed the federal government to gradually take away our freedoms in exchange for bribing us with our own tax dollars.
All of this happened because many of us had forgotten the brilliance of our founding fathers and the importance of their gift to this country called the United States Constitution.

But Obama has changed all that. He has exponentially accelerated the progressive's agenda for this country to the point where the shift in ideology is no longer gradual or progressive. It is radical, impatient and demanding. And now it is drawing attention from all of us who are dramatically opposed to Obama's stated purpose of "fundamentally transforming the United States of America".

I remember when I was a teenager sneaking into the house late at night. We had a burglar alarm with a motion sensor covering the family room. I learned that moving very, very slowly would not set off the alarm. That's the trick, which progressives learned almost 100 years ago. And it worked. They have been making incremental steps at a pace so slow that no one has really noticed the damage being done to our economic and social freedom. But now Obama has galvanized a very small percentage of the American population who consider themselves revolutionaries. Their ignorance, impatience and narcissism are on display. In the process, they have sprinted past the motion sensor and are now drawing more attention to themselves than Lady Gaga at a Yankees game. That's a good thing, because the first step in the road to recovery is recognizing the problem.

Thank you, Mr. President. Mission accomplished.

Copyright 2010 by Craig Covello.  All rights reserved.  Used with Permission

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Firstly your 10 point theory on the wrongs of the past done, according to you, through blind ignorance of the constituency, would state the "revolutionaries" should have woken up a long, long time ago. Now it seems they want to direct all that misguided anger on one person and one administration. Many administrations and their wrongdoings led us to this path, not one person. All I hear today is how it is one person who is destroying this country. Truth be told this country has been on a destructive course for some time now.

Secondly, unlike the revolutionaries I have been angry and disenchanted over many, many years, and I don't see how turning back the clock now will do a damned thing to change anything. The people who are jockeying for positions in the coming governing body are proposing, not only radical changes, but changes that would represent archaic mindsets. I agree what has taken place in the past are travesties but calm, collective thinking is required to make the substantive changes towards reminding these elected officials who really is in charge. I don't see much of that being proposed at all.

June 28, 2010 at 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are not sure what your message is. Let me take a run at it. Scene: Garden of Eden….eons before. Thank you snake, for without you we would have never learned what evil is, we would have never understood human frailty, we would never have been cast out of heaven, we would never have or maybe had to embraced responsibility and accountability, and heaven would not have become something we would have had to earn all over again.

Your message is schizophrenic, as best. There is ample reason to like or dislike President Barrack Hussein Obama. One might have picked “He is charismatic.” Pick your intent and stay on point. Or was sarcasm your objective? Your friend had a very good question and you blew it. This is unusual for you.

June 29, 2010 at 4:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now if you would have titled your blog “How We Conservatives Allowed it all to Happen.” a few of us would have been on board.

June 29, 2010 at 4:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mostly stupid above comments! Good take except on Wars and Nat. Security I do not agree! We had to have ability to listen in on the cells - they are all over America and the world. They are real and Dangerous! Secondly, Do not Believe the Ignorant libeal media for one minute. Saddahm in Iraq had ties to terror, and he had WPM's - Before I die I bet we will see he unloaded stuff across the borders-We gave him about a year to do it. The instinct was right on, plus Iraq had to be saved from total takeover by the wrong folks! And yes, we all missed lots, but it is not too late to change the real bad parts of the Pseudo Progressive disease disguised in Marxists, Communists, Fascists, and more hidden in our nation pecking away at freedom, decency, honor, integrity, and the greatness we want to be - WE can do this with tolerance for each other and Respect - But we will have to be brave enough to Stand Up for more than ourselves!And we will have to recognize the true urgency of our national security!Without freedom, all else goes to "Animal Farm" Gammy Sparkles

June 29, 2010 at 5:21 AM  
Anonymous Ira said...

I am not a conservative. I am also not a flagrant liberal. My beliefs fall somewhere in between. To those of you who want to take this country back to the kinder,gentler times of the fifties and sixties I say I will fight you with my last ounce of strength. Moving backwards is not the way any country should be moving. This country needs to move forward fiscally, morally and scientifically to survive. We are ten years into the 21st century and we need to stay here. Besides the fifties and sixties weren't so great and had plenty of their own problems. And I resent those of you out there who think we need to get strong Christian values. "Hello", Christianity is NOT the only religion in this country. Numerous people keep saying this country is for the people and by the people with one side of their mouth then they try to shove their beliefs and their political stand at all of us out of the other. WAKE UP you can't have it both ways. Craig this is not about you or your article I think you know I both respect you and enjoy all of your work. This is about those of you out there who would rather spend their life in the Garden of Eden, given everything on a plater then have to drag their sorry buts out of bed and earn it. Sorry for the rant but it was long overdue.

June 29, 2010 at 8:45 AM  
Anonymous KK said...

After reading all of the pathethic,anonymous, replys on this commentary it is painfully obvious why we now have the most Socialistic "President to date. The know it all remarks show the opposite to be true. Yes our current state of affairs has been a long time comming, so what. The point of the article was now real conservatives are awake. I am proud to be a conservative. The radical liberal progressives in power couldn't control themselves they are so giddy with power and mean to take our country down as fast as possible. They are now on notice that their days are numbered. We are coming after them they know it, and they will be toast. The readership of this blog is clearly among the uber left and do not represent the majority of the rest of the country. Yes you won,you put Obama in office and he is a disaster. How's that working for you now?

June 29, 2010 at 9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job Ira, I applaud your candor and passion. To KK: NOT ONCE have I ever posted here under an anonymous moniker. Nor have I ever attempted to denigrate one side or the other for beliefs which they hold in their hearts to be true, whether I agree or disagree. We all have the right to believe as we choose without fear of persecution or belittling comments being slung towards us. Truthfully your comments have more of a communistic tone to them in my mind. "I am the only one right and the rest of you who disagree are just too stupid" is the way I interpret your words. That's probably just the message the North Korean citizens hear every day. As I wrote to Frank this weekend, you have a right to harbor any belief you want to but you do not have a right to attempt to force it down other's throats belittling them all the while. Now go back and read my first comment again and tell me specifically what portion of it was wrong please. Until then keep your condescending name calling to a minimum, I'm sure the intent of this blog is not to minimize participation but rather the opposite. Such comments as yours prevent that from taking place.

June 29, 2010 at 2:32 PM  
Anonymous KK said...

You're correct Deborah,we all have the right to express ourselves. If you read my post correctly if was specifically geared towards the people who feel the need to comment but don't have the guts to sign their name. Interesting how you assumed I was directing the comments to you. Hum.....

July 1, 2010 at 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care who they are what name they choose to sign in under, it's wrong to demoralize anyone simply because they disagree with you. On that note, I disagree with you which is why I made that GREAT LEAP of assumption. Yes I did put the current POTUS in office, I worked very hard at the grass roots level in my community to do everything I could to ensure he would take office. How is it working for me now??? It's not perfect but I do like many of the issues he and his administration are tackling. It's a complete departure from the "give to the rich" and "de-regulate ourselves into a financial crisis". For those two items alone I know my efforts weren't wasted. The health care reform bill, while it stops short of being as effective as I would like, put the pharmaceutical and insurance industries on notice too for their profiteering measures on the backs of all American citizens. I understand you are disgruntled with the status quo but there are many of us who don't lean towards extremism and who think, aside from some missteps, he's better than the person he replaced. Just having someone in that office who is able to express himself with confidence and intelligence is a welcomed change. I am sorry you are so angry that all is not going according to your plan or Glenn Beck's, but there's no question we're in a far better place on all fronts right now then we were when the man took office. As I've said before here, in the not too distant future it appears some of these tea party candidates will be taking office. I'm sure you will be quite pleased then, preliminarily. I, on the other hand, will be praying to MY God that what is being proposed by them doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of actually taking place.

July 2, 2010 at 11:12 AM  

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