A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Apr 21, 2010

Houston, We Have a Problem . . . . Unemployment by Craig Covello

As all of you know, I am very fond of the Space Program.  I have incredible memories of it from my childhood days and astronauts are still heros to me.  Last week, President Obama basically dismantled the program even more than I thought he would.  Here is an article from my friend Craig Covello to explain the situation further.  Please let me know what you think and let Obama know what you think about the destruction of America's greatest achievement of the 20th Century:

Very soon, approximately 9000 NASA workers will be laid off. Only four years ago, the future looked bright. What happened? In a word: Obama.

You may recall that NASA's Program Constellation was started by the Bush administration and endorsed by former NASA administrator Mike Griffin. Plans were made to have crews in Earth orbit by 2015 and on the moon no later than 2020. Constellation was based upon development of a low-cost rocket specifically designed to safely transport astronauts to the international space station, the moon and beyond after the shuttle program is retired. In order to do that, NASA leveraged all its experience with the Apollo and space shuttle programs. Griffin believed that simply using commercial rockets such as the Atlas 5 and Delta 4 boosters would not be a practical alternative. They were designed to launch satellites, which made them too large and dangerous for manned spaceflight unless significantly reengineered. So the decision was made to move forward with a new design called the Ares 1. But there were clouds on the horizon.

About a year before Obama was elected president, one of his campaign promises spoke of a new educational program with a price tag of approximately $18 billion. He told us that he planned to pay for it by cutting Constellation. The rhetoric, however, subsided by January 2008 because the voting public was lining up behind Republicans who endorsed the program. Predictably, Obama backpedaled on his earlier statements. Then just three months prior to the election, Obama made the campaign promise that he would indeed fully support returning to the moon by 2020. Once he got elected, the story has changed.

Last Thursday, Obama traveled to the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida to break that campaign promise. Also on Air Force One was former astronaut and moon explorer, Buzz Aldrin. Despite the fact that the president was traveling with the second astronaut to have landed on the moon, the public message delivered to NASA was devastating: The Constellation program was terminated. We would not be returning to the moon. Obama cited two reasons –

1. There have been significant cost overruns in developing the Ares 1 rocket.

2. We've already been to the moon, so there is no point in returning.
Obama then proceeded to propose a vague program designed to take us to an asteroid, and then eventually to Mars. It should be noted that there is no timetable for this endeavor, nor any serious funding. Obama is quick to point out that he is allocating $6 billion for the program over the next five years, but officials are just as quick in mentioning that this additional money would barely keep up with inflation for NASA's current annual budget of $17.3 billion. Skeptics also point out that the earliest possible mission would not occur before 2025. So the net consensus is that manned spaceflight to Mars has little chance of becoming a reality. It appears to be nothing more than false hope in order to silence critics.

With the termination of Constellation and the retirement of Space Shuttle, the United States no longer has a platform to launch astronauts into orbit. Obama's strategy is to rent seats on a Russian rocket in order to take American astronauts to the international space station. The price tag is $55 million per seat, per mission.

As if this news was not insulting enough, NASA employees were not even invited to the president's speech at the Kennedy Space Center. Instead, Obama addressed an audience of approximately 200 people flown in from various parts of the country. Most of them were foreign dignitaries and educators. Clearly, this was a staged event meant to put spin on bad news and avoid the possibility of being challenged by the NASA constituency. Obama did, however, communicate one message to NASA when he was away from the cameras. He told 15,000 NASA employees that they could keep their jobs if they voted for him in 2012. NBC's senior science correspondent, Jay Barbree, was on site at the Kennedy Space Center and visibly shaken by Obama's public and private statements. He captured the essence of the situation when interviewed by MSNBC's Alex Witt:

"Barbree: ...I'm a little disturbed right now, Alex. I just found out some very disturbing news. The President came down here in his campaign and told these 15,000 workers here at the Space Center that if they would vote for him, that he would protect their jobs. 9,000 of them are about to lose their jobs. He is speaking before 200........ It's invitation only. He has not invited a single space worker from this spaceport to attend. It's only academics and other high officials from outside of the country. Not one of them is invited to hear the President of the United States, on their own spaceport, speak today. "
After doing some Internet research, it became apparent that this situation is complicated and a bit of a soap opera. But cutting through the noise, here are some pertinent facts that may help explain why we no longer can put astronauts in orbit and we will no longer be going back to the moon:

• In 2006, the Ares 1 program was over budget. Costs increased to $40 billion from an original projection of $28 billion. The rocket also has some design issues, including excessive weight. This may or may not have been a manageable situation, but it's clear that the White House was not interested in allowing NASA to resolve the problem.

• There was friction between the assistant NASA administrator, Lori Garver, and the senior NASA administrator, Mike Griffin. Mike was an engineer through and through. Lori came up through the ranks of NASA as a public relations person with no engineering background. Predictably, Obama exploited the situation and picked Garver to head up his NASA transition team. She is now NASA's head administrator and sided with the White House to scrap Constellation while Griffin has been put out to pasture.

• In response last Tuesday, Neil Armstrong, Commander of Apollo 11; James Lovell,Commander of Apollo 13 and Eugene Cernan, Commander of Apollo 17 sent an open letter to Obama expressing their collective concerns over the decision to 
scrap Constallation. They cited issues with allowing American astronauts to become dependent upon the Russian space program. They were concerned that over $10 billion invested in Constellation as well as several years of work are being thrown away. They pointed out that this is the first time in half a century that the United States no longer has a way to put astronauts in orbit. Most importantly, they were sad that this action "destines our nation to become one of second or even third rate stature." "Without the skill and experience that actual spacecraft operation provides, the USA is far too likely to be on a long downhill slide into mediocrity."
Former Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldren disagrees. He has aligned himself with the Obama administration and distanced himself from his fellow astronauts and NASA employees in a somewhat confrontational manner. Aldrin was quoted in an MSNBC interview as saying:

"Well, they (Armstrong, Lovell and Cernan) differ with me, instead of me differing with them. Maybe you should get them on TV and ask them why they differ with us. Why they think it's necessary to go back to the moon, and why they think it's necessary to carry on with two rockets that are just not living up to expectations..."

Why in the world would Buzz Aldrin square off with his fellow astronauts, Neil Armstrong in particular? Well, there was one piece of information that hasn't been reported. Alliant Tek Systems has lost its contract to build the Ares 1 rocket. The new NASA administrator, Garvin, would like to see Obama's program for deep space exploration move forward using commercial rockets. Specifically, the Atlas 5 and the Delta 4. And who makes the Atlas 5 and Delta 4? To quote Jay Barbree again:

"You have Buzz Aldrin, who has his oldest son Andrew Aldrin, the chief planner of the Launch Alliance Group, the Delta 4 rocket in the Atlas 5 rocket, and they are the people who are trying to get the job of hauling the Orion spacecraft into space and the going to downsize it so they can put them (astronauts) on these rockets.... they're trying to do that."
My conclusion? Obama has convinced Buzz Aldrin that we are going to Mars on rockets made by his son's company. There's no budget and no timetable, but Aldrin believes it nonetheless. In the process, Obama has dismantled our space program, made us dependent upon the Russians and caused a rift between two heroes from my childhood who landed on the moon. Is there anything of American value, pride or vision that this president can't destroy? Anything?

Related articles:

Copyright 2010 by Craig Covello.  Used With Permission.  All Rights Reserved

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Apr 18, 2010

"Passionate Conservatives Versus Radical Progressives Versus Anarchists, What's the Difference?" by Craig Covello

A few days ago was April 15th; tax day. If you are among the 50% who actually pay federal income taxes, you might consider this a day of sadness regardless of whether you're getting a tax refund. After all, the government has your money and a significant portion has been given to those who don't pay taxes.

But by now we all know that a growing number of people who actually do pay taxes have formed an organization called the Tea Party Patriots with the express purpose of protesting the socialization of America. Last year, they turned out in numbers by attending over 800 events around the country. This year probed to be the same. The political left and the media have unsuccessfully tried to paint this organization as racist, artificial, homophobic and uninformed. They have also implied that Tea Party Patriot rallies create a climate for potential violence. If you've read my articles in “The Obama White House Diaries” dated February 24 and April 6, you know that nothing could be further from the truth. Despite that, some people probably still believe that all activist organizations, regardless of polarity, are pretty much alike because they are comprised of people who appear to be on the fringe of society. That assessment would be wrong.

Gallup poll confirmed earlier this month that Tea Party participants truly represent the larger demographics of our country. They are not "fringe". They are simply standing up for constitutional principles upon which this nation was founded. Tea Party Patriots play by the rules, obey the laws and express their views in a straightforward, honest manner. They don't believe in any form of violence. This is demonstrated by the fact that there have been virtually no arrests at any Tea Party gatherings to date, which have numbered close to 1000. Here is a statement taken from The Tea Party Patriots website which expresses the tenor and tone of the movement:

"Last year on April 15, 2009, millions of hard-working Americans stood in unison at over 800 protests around the country. These protests, which became known as the Tax Day Tea Party, expressed real concerns against reckless government spending and spawned millions of Americans to get involved in their local Tea Parties which today are holding elected officials accountable."

Let's compare that with some recent events and statements made by those who presumably oppose conservative politics.

Example 1 - Last Friday night in the New Orleans French quarter, a group called Iron Rail rallied some protesters of their own in order to crash a Republican dinner fundraiser for Gov. Bobby Jindal. The group assembled in front of Brennan's restaurant and shouted obscenities at patrons, many of whom were families having dinner and not part of the Republican event. The crowd tried to rush the restaurant doors, but were driven back by police. Later that evening around 11 PM after the crowd had dispersed, it appears that a group of men stalked Jindal's chief campaign fundraiser Allee Bautsch and her boyfriend Joe Brown as they left the restaurant. Both were beaten savagely. Both are in the hospital, One had to undergo surgery. There were conflicting stories whether or not the attack was politically motivated, but Bautch's purse was not taken. I'll let you draw your own conclusions. Here is the charter statement from Iron Rails' website:

"Founded in December 2003, the Iron Rail is committed to an anarchist, antiauthoritarian, feminist, anti-racists, queer positive and class conscious politics... as an anarchist collective, the Iron Rail has no bosses or managers. Group decisions are made collectively in weekly meetings and members are encouraged to be creative in initiating individual projects."

Example 2 - A recent letter was sent to over 17,000 school employees by a teachers union known as the New Jersey Education Association. The association's president, Joe Coppola, jokingly prayed for the death of New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie.

"Dear Lord this year you have taken away my favorite actor, Patrick Swayze, my favorite actress, Farrah Fawcett, my favorite singer, Michael Jackson and my favorite salesman Billy Mays. I just want you to know that Chris Christie is my favorite governor."

Example 3 - On March 26, 2010, someone shot a bullet into Congressman Erik Cantor's campaign office in downtown Richmond Virginia. Police have judged this to be "a stray bullet as part of random gunfire". No suspects have been found. Cantor is a Republican, and many have speculated this violence was in response to Republican opposition towards health care bill. But again, that's speculation.

Example 4 - There is a new movement called "Crash the Tea Party" which was founded by a middle-school teacher from Beaver Oregon named Jason Levin . The following statement was taken from their website:

"Who We Are: A national network of Democrats, Republicans, and independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grassroots movement which calls itself "The Tea Party."

“What We Want: to dismantle and demolish the Tea Party by any nonviolent means necessary.”

“How We Will Succeed: by infiltrating the Tea Party itself! In an effort to propagate their pre-existing propensity for paranoia and suspicion... we have already sat quietly in their meetings, and observed their rallies.”

“Whenever possible, we will act on behalf of the tea party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) To further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public's opinion of them. We will also use the inside information that we have gained in order to disrupt and derail their plans.”

“Sound like fun? It is!! If you'd like to join us, just click on the word "crash!" Below...”
Sounds like fun? This guy is teaching our kids. So let's review. We have beatings, shootings, jokes about killing political rivals and covert activity, all directed towards conservatives.

I think I've made my point.

© 2010 by Craig Covello. Used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

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Apr 11, 2010

The Sword of Damocles by Ira Schwartz

“Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident, or miscalculation, or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us.”

-John F. Kennedy (JFK)

In an address before the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 1961

President Kennedy knew the dangers of nuclear weapons as did Eisenhower, L.B.J. Reagan, Clinton and George H.W. Bush. Ever since President Truman let the genie out of the bottle during World War ll world leaders have been trying to get him back in. 11 treaties to control the development and use of nuclear weapons have been enacted and adhered to since 1961*. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NNPT) enacted in 1968 currently has 189 countries as signatories, including China, Russia and the United States. Clearly the world is concerned and has been trying to do something to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons for over 50 years.

But whole scale nuclear war is no longer the threat it used to be. Both Russia and China know such a war is not winnable. The real threat now is not nuclear war but nuclear attack from a terrorist group armed with a suitcase size nuclear device.

A report issued by the Combat Terrorist Center at West Point breaks it down like this;

“Within the counterterrorism context, it may mean that the United States missiles have the capability of hitting small, hard to find targets. Ideally, nuclear weapons make the cost of offensive action unimaginable, but this may not be true for all terror groups. Far from being deterred by threats to use nuclear weapons, terrorist may view the cost of nuclear war as lower than the political costs of backing down from a deterred threat. These factors make the deterrence of terrorist groups problematic. 2”
The Council on Foreign Relations issued a report titled, “Deterring State Sponsorship of Nuclear Terrorism.” In that report they state:

“Analysts have long argued that the central pillar of Cold War strategy—deterring nuclear war by threat of overwhelming punishment—is largely irrelevant in efforts to prevent the use of nuclear weapons by terrorist groups. They contend that the threat of retaliation is ineffective because bombs carried across borders or shipped in cargo containers lack the clear return addresses of warheads mounted on missiles, and terrorist groups, unlike states, do not present clear targets for retaliation.”
This would seem to be proven true by the 911 attack on the World Trade Center. Our nuclear weapons didn’t seem to slow them down one bit.

Speaking about nuclear weapons let’s take a little closer look at our arsenal. According to the “Office of the Deputy Assistance to the Secretary of Defense on Nuclear Matters”3 the majority of our ICBM arsenal is made up of Minute Man lll’s. The Minuteman lll was first deployed in 1969 and still employs a gimbaled inertial guidance system. Even with its new 5 Billion dollar upgrades it’s still hardly state of the art. This missile was designed to take out a city not a smaller target like the base of a terrorist organization making it impractical to use in the war on terrorism.

Most, if not all terrorists are prepared to die for their cause. And they are happy to take as many innocent people with them as they can. They could care less what the rest of the world does to their families or country. In their eyes the more people that die for their cause the greater the glory. So saying we will use nuclear weapons in retaliation to a large scale biological, chemical or nuclear attack on America by a non state sponsored terrorist group, and most are, is an empty threat at most.

This new treaty, “Measures to Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms” signed by President Obama and Russian President Medvedev simply builds on the foundations of all the past treaties. It also states several things in writing most of the world already knew. The United States will not strike any country first and will not use nuclear weapons against any country that does not have nuclear capabilities. The big exception to this rule is; said country must be a signatory of the Non Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. Both North Korea and Iran are not. This treaty also reduces US and Russian nuclear arsenals by 30%. That is a good thing.

Does this diminish our National Security? The military doesn’t think so, they are behind it 100%. At the White House news conference, Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said,

"Through the trust it engenders, the cuts it requires and the flexibility it preserves, this treaty enhances our ability to do that which we have been charged to do: protect and defend the citizens of the United States," Mullen said. "I am as confident in its success as I am in its safeguards."
Besides we still have plenty of nukes to go around. What this does do is take us a few steps further away from nuclear annihilation of the human race and should allow us all to sleep a little better. And as far as not trusting Barack Obama to do the right thing? Remember even a broken clock is right twice a day. This just might be one of those days.

Copyright 2010 by Ira Schwartz.  All Rights Reserved.  Used with Permission

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Apr 9, 2010

Has Obama Finally Become Dangerous to America by Craig Covello

There are busy news days and there are slow news days, but yesterday the news seemed like a prediction of a perfect storm regarding the safety of our nation. In fact, the very first page of Google blogs was loaded with different political topics suggesting that we are heading into dangerous waters. Specifically:

The president unveiled policy this week, which effectively tells our enemies that we will not use nuclear weapons on non-nuclear countries. This policy limits our options in the event of other types of devastating attacks on America, including chemical weapons, which could kill millions of US citizens. Obama did include the caveat that countries must be in compliance with the nonproliferation obligations under international treaties. This means that North Korea and Iran may be exempt from this dramatic policy shift, but that decision is tied to UN governance, not the sovereignty of the United States. The president's new policy will also remove our nuclear arsenal from high alert status because Obama believes that an immediate retaliatory nuclear response by the United States is too dangerous. The head of the US strategic command, Air Force Gen. Kevin Chilto disagrees. Last year he speculated on the policy unveiled today by comparing it to someone taking a gun apart and mailing pieces to various parts of the country. He believes that a crisis is not time to decide how to reassemble it.

Iranian Pres. Mohammad Ahmadinejad yesterday accused Pres. Obama of threatening to use "chemical and nuclear" weapons against nations that "do not submit to the greed of the United States".  He added

"Be careful, if you step in Bush's path, the nation's response would be the same tooth breaking as the one they gave Bush... Obama made these latest remarks because he is inexperienced and an amateur politician. American politicians are like cowboys. Whenever they have legal shortcomings, their hands go to their guns".
It appears that Obama’s UN-based threats of condemnation and possible sanctions do not intimidate this terrorist rogue nation as it continues to develop its nuclear weapons program.

Obama's advisers are rewriting our national security strategy plan to leave out all references to Islamic radicalism as a terrorist threat. This document is still a few weeks away from release, but the White House has acknowledged that references such as

"The struggle against militant Islamic radicalism is the great ideological conflict of the early years of the 21st century."
will be stricken. Apparently, the White House is removing these references in an attempt to garner economic development from Muslim-based countries. Business leaders from more than 40 Muslim countries are heading to Washington this month for a Muslim "Entrepreneurship Summit". National Security Council staff member Pradeep Ramamurthy agrees with the strategy to remove radical Muslim references from our national security strategy document. He said

"Do you want to think about the US as a nation that fights terrorism or a nation you want to do business with?"
Peter Feaver, a Duke University political scientist and former Bush adviser disagrees:

"It doesn't appear to have created much in the way of strategic benefit. Obama risks seeming to adopt politically correct rhetoric abroad while appearing tone deaf on security issues at home".
None of this was lost by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich during an interview by Shawn Hannity yesterday:

"I think that this is the most unrealistic diplomacy since the late 1920s.... In the 1920s, the democracies were desperate to avoid dealing with reality, they kept designing all sorts of paper documents that were going to end war. And they were going to disarm countries. And the problem they had was that the Japanese, the Italians and Germans and the Russians didn't go along with them... If you notice today, by the way, the Iranians are laughing, literally laughing at the idea of sanctions as they build nuclear weapons. So you have the president over here in a fantasy, and it is a fantasy. It sounds good. It would be wonderful, it just doesn't fit this particular planet. And over here you have North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, Al Qaeda and a whole host of other potential enemies who are just methodically doing their thing. And I think the greatest danger is that we will end up confusing words with reality in a way that someday we'll get an awful lot of people killed..... The fact that they're talking about $10 trillion of additional deficits over the next decade, much of it will be owned by the Chinese and the Saudi Arabians, you have to ask yourself to what extent, at an economic level, are we going to face a national security crisis. The fact that they (the Obama administration) are determined to cripple our energy industry at a time when virtually every American realizes that having national security and energy, keeping the money here at home, creating less expensive energy here, is vital to our economic future. And then you combine that with this sort of unilateral disarmament mindset, I think that the term "dangerous" is a very legitimate term to raise about the policies and the lack of understanding of reality in this administration."

Copyright 2010 by Craig Covello.  All Rights Reserved.  Used with Permission

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Apr 8, 2010

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

As I said yesterday, this movement is not going away. The Republicans should embrace it as quickly as possible and make its goals part of their platform.

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

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Apr 7, 2010

FOXNews.com - Tea Party Going Mainstream? Polls Suggest Movement Gaining in Popularity

FOXNews.com - Tea Party Going Mainstream? Polls Suggest Movement Gaining in Popularity

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Obamacare? We Should Have Seen You Coming | Tenth Amendment Center

This is another great Article on Obamacare and Nullification. It seems to be the only way to get rid of this socialistic nightmare that will bankrupt the country.

Obamacare? We Should Have Seen You Coming Tenth Amendment Center

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Apr 5, 2010

The Real Job Numbers by Craig Covello

On Friday, April 2 at 8:30 AM Eastern, the US Department of Labor issued its "Employment Situation" for the month of March. Some of the talking heads were predicting that the unemployment numbers would not be very good. In hindsight, they were either right or slightly pessimistic depending upon your comfort level accepting the new reality of unemployment statistics. Here is an excerpt from the March report:

• The unemployment rate held at 9.7 percent or 15 million.

• Employment in federal government rose, reflecting the hiring of temporary workers for Census 2010.

• Employment continued to decline in financial activities and in information.

• The number of long-term unemployed (27 weeks and longer) increased by 414,000 over the month to 6.5 million.

• The number of persons working part time increased to 9.1 million in March.

• Unemployed Teenagers = 26%

• Unemployed Blacks = 16.5%

• Unemployed Hispanics = 12.6%

• Unemployed Whites = 8.8%

• Unemployed Adult men = 10.0%

• Unemployed Adult women= 8.0%

• Unemployed Asians = 7.5%

Regardless of whether you interpret these statistics as slightly higher or lower than February, there is another set of statistics that might interest you.

They were published Friday, March 26, by the Republican Ways and Means Committee in response to some recent claims by Obama. According to the president, the February 2009 stimulus bill created approximately 2,000,000 jobs and is on track to create another 1,500,000 jobs during the remainder of 2010. Unfortunately, the US Department of Labor disagrees.

Here's a table comparing the administration's forecast originally issued on February 13, 2009 with current US Department of Labor payroll employment figures. The numbers speak for themselves.

State                   White House                               Actual as of Feb 2010

Alabama                 +52,000                                      -58,000
Alaska                      +8,000                                          +900
Arizona                   +70,000                                    -100,400
Arkansas                 +31,000                                      -28,700
California              +396,000                                     -586,300
Colorado                +59,000                                       -83,900
Connecticut             +41,000                                       -45,400
Delaware                +11,000                                       -14,300
DC                         +12,000                                        +1,600
Florida                  +206,000                                     -211,500
Georgia                 +106,000                                     -136,200
Hawaii                    +15,000                                       -15,600
Idaho                      +17,000                                       -19,500
Illinois                    +148,000                                    -192,200
Indiana                    +75,000                                       -76,700
Iowa                       +37,000                                       -33,600
Kansas                    +33,000                                      -45,900
Kentucky                 +48,000                                     -38,400
Louisiana                 +50,000                                      -36,700
Maine                      +15,000                                      -12,200
Maryland                 +66,000                                      -68,300
Massachusetts          +79,000                                      -79,900
Michigan                +109,000                                    -112,000
Minnesota                +66,000                                      -62,300
Mississippi               +30,000                                      -26,500
Missouri                   +69,000                                     -72,600
Montana                   +11,000                                      -9,200
Nebraska                  +23,000                                   -21,700
Nevada                     +34,000                                   -61,600
New Hampshire        +16,000                                     -2,800
New Jersey             +100,000                                   -81,600
New Mexico             +22,000                                   -21,200
New York               +215,000                                 -163,300
North Carolina         +105,000                                  -94,100
North Dakota              +8,000                                       -200
Ohio                        +133,000                                -177,900
Oklahoma                  +40,000                                  -52,900
Oregon                      +44,000                                  -53,100
Pennsylvania            +143,000                                -141,100
Rhode Island             +12,000                                  -13,000
South Carolina          +50,000                                   -22,800
South Dakota            +10,000                                    -8,500
Tennessee                 +70,000                                  -81,300
Texas                      +269,000                                -236,800
Utah                          +32,000                                  -29,900
Vermont                      +8,000                                    -3,900
Virginia                      +93,000                                -100,700
Washington                +75,000                                  -89,800
West Virginia             +20,000                                  -22,200
Wisconsin                  +70,000                                  -95,500
Wyoming                     +8,000                                  -13,000

So why would the president make claims that his own US Department of Labor disputes? Simple. Americans are upset. They were promised that if we all went along with the stimulus package, unemployment would be capped at 8%. It's been closer to 10%. If you factor in people who have stopped looking, it's significantly higher. None of this has gone unnoticed. According to the New York Times and CBS news polls, only 6% of Americans now believe that the stimulus package created jobs at all. CNN polls also reported that a majority of Americans oppose the stimulus package, but as Nancy Pelosi said "the president got what he wanted!". What about what we wanted?

Senate Republican Mitch McConnell weighed in by saying:

"In the first year of the trillion dollar stimulus, Americans have lost millions of jobs, the unemployment rate continues to hover near 10%, the deficit continues to soar and we are inundated with stories of waste, fraud and abuse... this was not the plan Americans asked for were the results they were promised".

Do I blame Obama for inheriting an economic mess from George Bush. Partially. Let's be clear. This mess was created by the entire Congress, both Republicans and Democrats. The Congressional Democrats caused it because apparently they can't do math and don't run businesses. Both are useful skills when trying to balance a budget. The Congressional Republicans caused it because they strayed away from conservative principles for over a decade. Pork barrel projects made them heroes in their own states.

But we should also remember that Obama was regarded as the most liberal member of the Senate during his tenure of 143 days before ascending to the highest office in the land. To suggest that he would have shown fiscal responsibility had his term been longer is simply disingenuous. Just look at escalation of federal debt since he took office. It's out of control.

Listening to Obama, however, you wouldn't know that:

"Millions more are struggling to make ends meet. So it doesn't yet feel like much of a recovery. And I understand that. It's why were going to continue to do everything in our power to turn this economy around".

That must be why his administration's focus has been directed towards socializing healthcare and creating the largest entitlement package in history. That must be why the administration's next set of agendas includes the carbon tax and citizenship for illegal aliens. Surely that will create more jobs. Sorry for the sarcasm, but enough is enough. This administration’s public statements run counter to its actions.

One final thought. Notice that the table above shows only two states with very modest gains. One of them is Washington DC.
Go figure.

© 2010 by Craig Covello. Use with Permission. All rights reserved.

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Apr 4, 2010

The third degree with Kevin Bacon and Elephant White

Here is an article about my Thai movie. If you can find the full article in "The Nation", a Bangkok Newspaper, you can see some quotes I have made about the current political situation in Thailand which also shows my views on Free Speech as expressed in this column.

The third degree with Kevin Bacon and Elephant White

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Apr 2, 2010

“You’ve come a Long Way Baby….NOT" by Ira Schwartz

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

To those of you unfamiliar with the above passage it is perhaps one of the most import sections in our constitution. It was so important our Founders listed it first, above all others in the Bill of Rights. It is the First Amendment which gives all Americans the right of FREE SPEECH. The First Amendment gives you the protection to say anything you want as long as it doesn’t incite imminent danger.

There are exceptions to this amendment. A few of them are “obscenity”, “Commercial Speech”, which applies to false advertising and “Fighting Words” which are words or phrases that are likely to induce the listener to get in a fight. That last one is pretty broad based and has caused the Supreme Court a few headaches over the years.

But I’m not writing this article to give you a brief amateur lesson in Constitutional Law but to give you a basis for understanding this….The First Amendment protects our right to be idiots plain and simple and past history has born that statement as a “truism” more times than I can count. So why was I surprised by what happened at the Longworth House office building in Washington, D.C. on March 20th? To remind those of you who may have forgotten Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) was spat upon by protestors, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a “nigger” and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "faggot." Pretty disgusting stuff to say the least. I decided to write out the complete “N” word because simply saying or writing the “N word” when reporting is sanitizing a disgusting event almost to the point of acceptability.

But getting back to my original question, “Why was I surprised.” Because I thought we had grown up some from those horrible days of nastiness preceding the Civil Rights Movement. I though most of us had learned that all are created equal and should be treated as such. I guess I just believed that incidents like what happened in Washington were just isolated idiots who were looking for their 15 seconds of fame. Not really wanting to see that a deeper and more disturbing problem still exists in this country festering just below the surface.

Ray Taliaferro, a syndicated black shock jock on San Francisco’s KGO radio was enraged by the happenings in Washington. And tucked away in his angry rhetoric was a simple question. And I’m paraphrasing here, “You bet I am enraged by this. But the bigger question is why aren’t you?” And he’s right; all of us should be angry and offended by this ugly display.

But this sad drama has now gone one step further, Andrew Breitbart, publisher and author, has called into question the whole incident. In a quote from an interview with the Washington Independent Breitbart said...

“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.

And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now.”

So this circus continues as Republicans and Democrats hurl insults at one another and as usual blaming each other. But this is all camouflage used to hide the more serious problem; racism. And whether it’s against Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Jews or little green men it is still a festering undercurrent in America. When we elected a black president many people felt we were ushering in a new era in race relations. Most hope this would help America finally get past those ugly prejudices that have haunted this country since its inception. But Taliaferro’s angry cry, “You bet I am enraged by this. But the bigger question is why aren’t you?” still echoes in my head and I wonder how many of us out there can honestly say, “Yes I am enraged.” and have the guts to do something about it.

© 2010 by Ira Schwartz. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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