Are you familiar with the Superman comic series? No, I don't mean having the ability to recognize the red cape and blue tights. I mean really familiar with the details. Who was Superman's employer? What substance made him weak? OK, admittedly, those are easy, but did you ever hear of the "Bizarro World". This is a cube shaped planet in our solar system where everything is opposite of Earth. Actually, Wikipedia has a somewhat awkward description of Bizarro -
"In the Bizarro world of "Htrae" ("Earth" spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!". In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: "Guaranteed to lose money for you". Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, "Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together". This is intended and taken as a great compliment."
So you get the idea. In the Bizarro World, everything is opposite. Now what does this have to do with political discourse? Well, I had an opportunity to come in contact with one of the Bizarro World's political writers. His name is David M. Green and he is professor of political science at Hofstra University in New York. Mr. Green recently wrote an editorial blasting Obama from the viewpoint of the political left. So step into the Bizarro World for a few minutes and read it for yourself ....
Welcome back from the Bizarro World, which appears to be the model for higher education. The editorial you just read was written by a political science college professor. A guy who has decided to devote his life to teaching our kids. A guy who considers himself learned. Someone who should have the ability to write somewhat objectively in the marketplace of ideas. Instead, we have a professor who uses the following terms to describe Obama -
"the little prick"
"clown "
"skinny little geek"
No, these phrases were not written on the wall of the 3rd grade boys bathroom. They were published by a web site called Counterpunch which describes itself as "America's Best Political Newsletter". Bizarro indeed.
To be fair, Green believes Obama should be much more concerned with creating jobs than reinventing health care insurance. I agree with him. But I disagree with most of his other assessments, including his views regarding the Republican Party.
"You know, elite Republicans may be sociopaths, and they may be lower on the moral totem pole than your basic cannibal, but they’re not stupid."
To be clear, I am not a fan of the Republican party of late, but I don't consider the party sociopathic. This is ridiculous hyperbole more suited to professional wrestling interviews than to commentary on "America's Best Political Newsletter" . Enough was enough. I decided to engage Mr. Green directly by sending the following email.
Craig Covello to David.M.Green
Dec 29, 2009
We have never met, but I just read your editorial about Obama that is making its way through Face Book. Based upon your writing, we do have one thing in common. Neither of us likes our current president very much, but for very different reasons. I am a conservative, so when I write about what troubles me with the current administration, my thoughts usually revolve around recent events, policies, statements and facts. Your editorial seems to ramble and rant against personalities while projecting a good deal of anger. I am not sure what you stand for, but I can tell you that your anger and use of explicit language does not speak well for your as an educator. I am glad my boys go to UCLA and the University of North Texas instead of Hofstra.
Craig Covello
Folsom CA
And here was the response....
David Green to Craig Covello
Dec 29, 2009
…I’m glad they did, too Craig. At least, if they’re as wont to make bogus assumptions as their dad.
What on earth ever gave you the idea that I run my classroom as editorial polemics sessions, complete with foul language? One thing I despise about you right-wingers is the ad hominem remarks. The other thing is the robotic repetition. I could practically write your email for you - you guys always say the same crap. Meanwhile, yeah, I’m angry. I’m angry about how regressives wrecked the country, and I’m angry that Obama is not fixing it. As the tag line of my website says, "If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention". With all due respect, you seem to fall into both categories all too neatly.
So it appears that Mr.Green has as much contempt for me as he does for Obama. Some of this anger may have been self-inflected, since my email was a little provocative. I admit to using charged words such as "ramble" and "rant". Mr. Green's response, however, did not really address the issues I called him on. What does he stand for? What are the real solutions in his opinion? No, his response was more of the same. Ridicule and cynicism. And Green's assertion that he is politically objective and free of foul language in his college classroom is a little hard to swallow -
"What on earth ever gave you the idea that I run my classroom as editorial polemics sessions, complete with foul language?"
Perhaps I got the idea FROM HIS ARTICLE". I guess in the Bizarro World, a liberal and caustic professor can change his personality by simply passing through a door. He can publish scathing personal attacks on others, use sophomoric language to humiliate and denigrate large groups of people, yet become an objective and considerate educator of young minds after entering the hallowed halls of Bizarro University. Green may have an advanced college degree, but for all his education, he seems to have trouble understanding Obama. To quote Green's own article
"This guy is killing me, though at the same time I still can’t quite figure him out."
Hey David, put down the diploma for a few minutes and try googling "A Hollywood Republican" or " Craig's Notes on the Obama White House Diaries" or better yet, the US Constitution in order to get a different perspective. Then maybe you can understand Obama's game plan. And thanks again for shaping the minds of America's youth with phrases like "the little prick".
Copyright 2009 by Craig Covello. Used with permission. All rights reserved
Labels: Barack Obama, Craig Covello, Republican, Superman
Nicely done Craig...however I don't think you've heard the last of Prof. Green.
Good job, Craig. Of course he didn't answer any of your questions. That's what they do best...miss the point!
Great article. It displays the Sal Alinsky type tactics used by so many of the left folks. Just like the "little Prick" of which Mr. Green Spoke during the election. Same mess!
Says it all! You are right. Our kids are being taught lots of junk!
Reminds me of Bill Ayers and his attitude, complete with the millions he got out of Annenberg et al!
Gammy Sparkles
At the risk of getting slammed, I must ask you to look past the provacative language and focus on the meaning of Dr. Green's words. Frankly, the last paragraph frames everything quite nicely.
If you aren't outraged, then you aren't paying attention!!!! Indeed!!!!
The guy is pissed off, just as I am pissed off, and just as I hope you are pissed off. You may not like his choice of words, but you can't argue with the message.
Maybe if more of us get pissed off and actually demand change ....
Take Care!
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