On December 23rd 2009, the notes on this website reported that Obama conferred diplomatic immunity upon the international police organization known as INTERPOL, effectively making its domestic office records off-limits to US law enforcement, the United States judicial system and even the freedom of information act. Now it looks like the Obama administration has started the process of ceding control of the Internet domain servers to the international community. In effect, this means that an international body will eventually have the power to direct and even restrict Internet traffic. It also opens the door for Internet taxes at an international level. The rationalization for giving up U.S. control of the Internet centers around the idea that the Internet has become so powerful and so vital to international communications that the United States cannot be trusted with its stewardship. Really? Let me point out a few facts.
The Internet was born in the United States. The two Americans working for the Department of defense advanced research project invented in the early 1970s. Their names are Dr. Robert Kahn and Dr. Vinton Cerf. (Sorry Al Gore).
The Internet was based around an open architecture to ensure free and open communications. It was never intended or designed to be censored. Domain servers are spread out across the land and direct traffic, similar to social networking. The concept of centralized Internet control is an oxymoron.
The Chinese government has recently been accused by the United States of hacking into Google accounts of journalists and human rights activists. In response, Google has threatened to pull its operations from China. China has denied the allegations, saying that their constitution guarantees free speech, but with the caveat that they can censor communications that "disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens, or interfere with the educational system of the state". In short, you can say what you want as long as the Chinese government agrees with it.
The Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi has also weighed in on Google, which owns YouTube, by pushing legislation which would force Internet service providers to be responsible for any content posted on their servers or be subject to severe fines. You may remember that the 72-year-old prime minister was in the news last year when he was implicated in a sex scandal. This is the guy who is concerned about inappropriate Internet content. It also appears that Italy has plans to further this legislation within the European Union. This is an unprecedented move on freedom of speech and freedom of communication in Europe. Not surprisingly, Italy has one of the lowest Internet usage rates in Western Europe.
True to Obama's style, we watch one hand while the other hand works behind the scenes. Case in point - Hillary Clinton made a speech on January 21 reaffirming our country's position on Internet freedom." Those who disrupt the free flow of information in our society or any other pose a threat to our economy, our government and our civil society. Countries or individuals that engage in cyber attacks should face consequences and international condemnation". So on the one hand, we say we want to protect Internet freedom, freedom of speech and privacy of Internet service provider files. On the other hand, we want to give up control over the Internet to an international body because apparently Americans cannot be trusted. It's as if someone started a company, built it into something magnificent with sweat equity, vision and commitment, only to have some government authority step in and say we don't trust you to run it anymore because it has become too important.
Thank you Mr. Obama. We know that you have faith in America, unless the "international community" disagrees
Copyright 2010 by Craig Covello. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.
Labels: Barack Obama, Craig Covello, Internet, Interpol, Silvio Berlusconi
This is a horse of a different color! Obama should be bitch slapped for this one. Let us not forget he comes from one of the most corrupt sectors on the planet. This is how Bill Clinton claims a net worth of less than 2 million dollars going into office and one of over 230 million coming out and he can not be investigated for it....Obama never to be out done. Now if he just puts Jesse Jackson jr. in charge away we go!
IT SEEMS like the Communists and oppressive dictatorships are given rights we are not! When is our President going to uphold the oath of office he took? He is working against this nation, without our permission. Is that some type of treason???
Just asking? Or am I allowed to even ask that?
Good Post but sad state of affairs!
Gammy Sparkles
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