Frankly, I think the time has come to stop talking about BP, The Gulf Oil Spill or the Ecological disaster caused by it. Yes, it is the greatest man-made disaster in history. Yes, it will affect the beauty of the beaches in the Gulf. Yes, it will cause wildlife damage for decades. But: Enough! The Gulf is a problem. But, it is not the biggest problem facing our country at the moment. It will be cleaned up and the flow of oil will eventually stop.
The only thing about the Gulf that is good for the Obama Administration is that it is causing the rest of the country to forget the disaster that it is the US Economy right now. And, of course, the spin doctors in the White House are doing their best to keep the country and media off of the economy. Maybe that is why the Obama Administration wants everyone thinking that he messed up in the Gulf. As long as the Gulf Oil Spill is news, the economy is being ignored and Obama does not have to answer for his mess ups in that regard.
Yesterday, the Consumer Price Index was released for the month of May. It showed a .2 percent drop. The April number showed a .1 percent drop. That means we have now had two consecutive months of deflation which is surprising considering that the government is spending and printing fiat money likes it is going out of style. Deflation is one of the worst things that can happen to an economy. When prices go down, companies do not hire, people do not spend because of fear of job security, corporate profits go down and unemployment starts to go up. It can then become a spiral that gets out of control as it did in the 1930s during the Great Depression and Japan in 1990s.
This is further compounded when you look at the employment numbers for the past week and for the month of May. Last week initial jobless claims went up to 472,000. This was the third week in a row that the numbers were higher than expected. Continuing claims also rose to 4.57 million; which was also unexpected. The unemployed or underemployed continue to rise even though it is not shown in the official numbers because many are falling off of the unemployment roles.
Two weeks ago President Obama made a big deal about the unemployment rate dropping a percentage point. It is still 9.7% however which is higher than anybody expected and way above the 8% cap that the failed stimulus bill was supposed to hold it at. He also bragged about the roughly 450,000 new jobs that were created during the month. He bragged until everyone pointed out to him that 410,000 of them were temporary census workers and only 40,000 jobs had been created in the private sector.
Once that had been brought up, the bragging from the White House stopped. What did Obama do? He started talking about the Gulf. He didn’t talk about the Gulf for the six prior weeks except in passing. But, now he’s obsessed with it. Take the mind off of the real crisis that will cost him votes and spend time on something that he hopes can make him look good. But, of course, that is failing too. His speech on Tuesday night was an unmitigated disaster seen as such from both the left and the right.
The speech did have some effect though. It strong-armed BP into putting more than 20 billion dollars into the White House’s hands for the victims of the Gulf Oil disaster. That is right, I used the term “strong armed.” So did Texas Republican Congressman Joe Barton. He has been castigated by both parties because of it. I hope I am too. Barton is right. This tactic used by the White House is just another example of the Chicago thugs in action.
This matter should have been resolved in the courts by BP interpleading the money into the court system. BP has said from the beginning that it will pay for the damages caused by the spill. Now, BP has kowtowed to the White House and what will happen?
We will have another czar hired to divvy up the fund. He will hire another 50 or so people to administrate the fund. They will hire lawyers, accountants, etc., to evaluate the claims. And, who will pay for this new public entity? It will either come from the fund or from the taxpayers. If it comes from the fund, then BP has just created another bureaucracy of which none of the money will end up in the hands of people who need it. If it comes from the taxpayer, I say why? More big government, more public sector jobs: No help for the little man or the small businessman. Obama just does not care. He does not care about Main Street or the wreck that is the US Economy.
That seems to be the main mindset at the White House these days. He talks about caring and hope and change, but he doesn’t. He sits there all day listening to advisors and makes no decisions. However, he does play a lot of golf. President Bush played some and was castigated for it. The man sitting there now plays much more.
And, when he does make decisions they are not always in the best interests of the country. This morning, I read an Article on the Obama White Diaries: The Article talks about the President abandoning a portion of Arizona 80 miles away from the Mexican border because it is too violent. The Mexican drug cartels make it too dangerous for Americans to travel into the area. This is part of the United States. This is not Mexico we are talking about. It is not even a border town.
Instead of investigating the Arizona Immigration law, the Justice Department and its chief Eric Holder, should put the FBI and US Troops into this area and clean it up. Get the Mexican drug lords out and make it part of Arizona again. Of course, if Arizona does it themselves, it will be castigated even more by the Central Government.
A strong enforcement of the immigration laws is another way to help the economy. Get rid of the illegals and maybe the unemployment rate will drop a few points. Protect the border and more jobs will be created. However, this will just infuriate another Democratic voting block. And, we already know, that is the last thing the President wants or needs at this point based upon his recent poll numbers.
So, what does he do instead? He talks about kicking ass over the Gulf Oil Spill. After all, it makes people forget the real problem facing the country: “it’s the economy stupid!”
© 2010 by Frank T. DeMartini
Labels: Barack Obama, British Petroleum, Economy, Gulf Oil Spill, inflation, Joe Barton, Unemployment
And then they called him “Vladimir” Obama, while we know him as Barrack Hussein Obama. Do they know something we do not know? For you see our President is not the socialist the “right” claims he is. Well, actually the “right” doesn’t claim that. It does worry profusely about the path America is on. They harbor reasonable concerns that it is definitely pro Marxist, Fascist and Socialist. President Obama, Mr. Obama to the Brits, sees no impropriety in politicians ordering executives about, upstaging the courts and threatening confiscation. Is Obama an American version of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, willing to harry firms, congress and America into doing his bidding?
Greenspan, the gentleman who missed the Wall Street melt down, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, says America needs spending cuts and no new increases in taxes. He compares our problems to Greece, imagine that. He further muses that the government will not be able to meet its future commitments, a 130 trillion dollar unfunded liability possibly, for at least three decades in “real terms.” Does anyone actually know what “real terms” means? Is inflation or deflation lurking in our financial future? But he continues “We cannot “grow” (sounds like the economy) out of these fiscal pressures. So, is it still the economy stupid or are there priorities higher, necessary, first and foremost, on a list like deep government spending cuts and substantially lower taxes, lets say cut them (taxes) in half?
The over arching financial brain trusts may have concluded, temporarily at least, that America and most of the rest of the developed world, is in need of a tectonic shift in fiscal policy. But a tectonic shift may lower the pecuniary oceans, or it may hyper inflate causing a destructive global financial tsummi. Does anyone think that the collapse of the Euro, destabilizing Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal, will not reach American soil? And what about Medvedev’s push to elevate the Ruble as a reserve currency, currencies used for international transactions, to cut the dollar dominance? Do we even harbor a belief that it cannot happen? It sounds very much like the order of the day is thrift and prudence. What does appear as a truism on the horizon is the belief that the American economy cannot afford a major mistake in underestimating the threat of an ever growing fiscal crisis. And in this respect, it certainly is the Economy Stupid or are we just stupid about the economy?
For a global turn around in fiscal discipline the first assault must be to cut government, all governments spending across the board. The second concern is the reduction of any and all forms of welfare. A consumption tax would not discourage people from working or saving. The VAT tax is a stealth tax and once imposed it will be an irreversible personal tax scourge and addiction, research Europe. If the economy is a system of production and management of material wealth, then the economy must be economic (profitable) for principled capitalism to function. An economy without profit has no incentive to excel.
So in a nation of exceptional people, our debt is approximately 16% of GDP. California’s dysfunctional politics, not the economy, although the two are inextricably intertwined, Moody’s rates California just above junk. The tricks used to balance budgets will eventually collapse and the bloated unfunded liabilities for civil-service retirement pension and health benefits will only hasten the day of reckoning.
The prevailing wisdom is that the Federal Government will never let a state default, maybe an isolated case, but not New York, Illinois or California. That would start a wave of sacrifice and pain of which we Americans are currently unable, unwilling or incapable of withstanding. And that would certainly lose a universe of votes.
And this was so aptly stated by Margaret Thatcher, “The problem with socialism is that we run out of other people’s money.” But wait a minute, our President is not the socialist the “right” claims he is. And “It’s the economy stupid.”
You are correct Frank.Obama is certainly trying to distract from the disastorous mess he is making of our country. Now he plans to fight AZ in court over the law that had to be passed because Obama wants illegals to be able to vote for him more than he cares about protecting America. His actions are pure treason as I see it and he belongs in prison.
Very, very well said Anonymous. I do believe however that any distraction, even a disaster such as the gulf oil spill, is a welcome relief to this administration from the economic wolves knocking at our very door.
The first three unavoidable roots of deadly conflict are religion, economy, and power. But really, is it the economy?
Within the group of the loyal opposition, adversaries and enemies, the ability to accommodate and live with is only possible with the first two groups. If one, and you should visit the opposition/adversary’s camp, listens to Rachel Maddow, Keith Olbermann, Rosie O’Donnell, and Chris Matthew if you dare to visit the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post or Media Matters, you cannot escape the ideologies of the opposition, our adversaries and if you are careful, an occasional glimpse of the enemy within, the most dangerous. Fact check their work and you will learn, be amazed at the spin and outright lies. Ask why their audience is forever decreasing, radical and violent. Do not ignore or dismiss them, or like a hurricane, we will be unprepared for the worst.
And those in “Liberty’s” camp include Mark Levin, author of Liberty or Tyranny, a Conservative manifesto. A disturbing reality called Glenn Beck, the thesis of the failure of spirituality, the loss of a connection with our Constitution and the Founding Father’s message and an interesting hypothesis of Crime Inc. framed by the fictional Overton Window. We watch the success of Rush Limbaugh, not a flash in time but building over decades. And there is Carl Rove, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Chris Christie, and Mitt Romney. It is the arguments, their arguments, that ability to take up residence inside the soul of the opposition.
The media has been reduced to ridicule, boycott and outright organized efforts to eliminate the influences of, not these people, my friends, no, the ideas, not at all original, but surely forgotten, the ideas of liberty and freedom that they have reignite. A case in point is the Tea Party. Fact check their work also, be fair if you dare, and you will be amazed at the clarity and reality. You are offered the ability to research and arrive at your own conclusions. Ask why their audience is ever increasing.
And I am reminded with inescapable amazement of an exchange that ran circles around a simple question which had an obvious and unavoidable answer, “Who are our enemies.” Not really difficult if one studies the bible and the fall of Lucifer. For as a primer one must accept that evil exists. Evil does exist, but our ability to guard against it becomes lethargic, weak, inattentive, and even shallow. The blog on Israel recently, on this subject isolated, does calibrate that semantic, but as all the specifics fade with time so will our awareness. In the 1930’s Rome favored the Nazis, they were fearful of Communism, just another “ism” today. America celebrated Washington’s Birthday in the NY Gardens in the 1930’s with an open display of Nazi presence. America even had Nazi youth camps here on American soil, less we forget as we have. The archives are useful, very useful. And we still have to ask the question ‘”Who are our enemies.” Well often they are us, they are from within. Yes, the friend of my enemy is my enemy, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Yes, a terrible defining analysis, occasionally too tough to make? Now what could that possibly mean if there are no terrorists, state or state sponsored?
There are serious unavoidable inescapable transitions to be made when a group shifts from a start up round table focused on President Barrack Obama, discussion on limited issues, to a platform, a forum of serious consequence, and finally to the arena of a major humanitarian and political player. You folks have a decision to make. One thirsts for the loyal oppositional but patriotic relationship synergistically between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
It is your burden that these fires have been re-enkindled in my soul. It would be with great disappointment and sadness, if God forbid, this was not your intent.
Yes, it is the “Economy Stupid” but is that the right, the correct, the probative question?
If we have rekindled the fires in your soul then half our work is done. The second half is to insure they continue to burn. As in your previous though prevoking and indepth replies you ask numerous questions that while hard to answer are not impossible. At least in my articles I try not to lead people down the path I choose but to give them enough truthful information to make their own choices. Information, truthful information, is a powerful weapon in the hands of those that can see the differences between truth and spin. I refuse to beat people over the head with it. They must choose to accept it of their own free will. They must choose to use the information I give them to search for further answers to the questions they have. My articles are only the beginning of the journey. Those that read them MUST go the rest of the way by themselves. "The truth is out there" people just need the resolve to find it.
During June 2010 there was the interesting private meeting exchange between President Barrack Obama and Senator Kyle of Arizona. The Senator and the President had a war of words at they differed on the essence of an administrative strategy to let Arizona suffer the slings and arrows of purposeful open border difficulties until Republicans signed on to, preemptively, comprehensive emigration control. This, my friends, is a “shake down.”
Also in June 2010, our top commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal has been ordered home to explain his criticism of the President and his senior advisors. The General’s observation, obviously made in utter frustration, ill advised for the good general, but a moment of clarity for the nation, made three points.
First, the general was searching desperately for a serious “one liner” to dismiss the “knowingly inept” criticism of Vice President Joe Biden, “policy challenged”, on the war strategy. The General felt betrayed by Karl Eikenberry. And the good general will certainly be ‘Dressed down” for the truth.
There is much too much now available to the thinking public, to not consider the observations, dangerous to the general, a definite show of real courage, something BP could learn from, too create that nagging suspicion that something is definitely wrong with out foreign policy, our war strategy, and certainly out domestic strategy. As the electorate are we also cowards? Yes, we are certainly being “Shaken down.”
Second, the general let it slip that the President appeared ill equipped, not engaged, poorly informed and unfocused during a meeting a year ago that netted little but a “ten minute Photo OP.” The Commander in Chief didn’t even seem to know his general, the Presidents selection for that post. Sound like the shores of Louisiana and BP? Well, by now some of us should be taking great exception to the analysis of ill equipped, not engaged, poorly informed and unfocused. Sadly, it is the truth, it is not just “the economy stupid.”
Third, an aid of the general seemed to suggest that national security advisor, Jim Jones, could well be a “clown” who was stuck in 1985. It seems appropriate, the moniker “Clown”, for a person who refers to Jerusalem as AL-Quds. This is a foreign policy “melt down.”
And the general will apologize, appropriately for the chain of military command and loyalty. But what about the “truth” and the Oval Office loyalty and commitment to America, can we not ask that question or will we, the electorate, be “shaken down" to the level of a brow beaten media? Is not defeat being snatched from the jaws of victory in both Iraq and Afghanistan? And when the real conflict begins, and it will, will our leaders rush to the forefront of the “Oversea (domestic???) Contingency Operation” with a white flag of surrender? And we find it easy to criticize those who fear desperately, speak out, and agonize over the diminished greatness of the United States of America.
Why is it we need a gaff, a Freudian slip, a “misstatement”, a vision of our heart and soul speaking before the mind is engaged to deceive, to find a path through this utterly corrupt landscape of political lies? Why, because we are too cowardly to demand and elect character. Will we see again, that moment of clarity on 9/12 when the nation, by a miracle, knew, without debate, without politics, without spin and propaganda, the essential “truth?” What will be the price?
Few had any sympathy for BP when they sided with the “feel good” corporate bloodlust.
Corporate America, quick to resist government intrusion, has kept strangely silent, afraid to stick their heads above the parapet. “If (Mr. Obama) does not see any impropriety in politicians ordering executives about, upstaging the courts and threatening confiscation, he has not said (or acted) so.” This was certainly a “shake down” also. And we are quick to complain about too much is being said about BP. If the rule of law can be quashed for the errant it can be ignored for the innocent. Alas “Freedom” is under attack.
My main point in this article was to show that the Obama Administration is using the Gulf Oil Spill to further his political agenda and to keep the minds of the collective public off of the economy.
If "right" thinking persons do not fall into the trap of continuing to ignore the economy as has Sean Hannity and a number of other pundits, we will be able to gain control in November.
If the "right" continues to talk about nothing but the Gulf, the American public will not remember the economy come November.
You are a treasure Frank, and I mean that sincerely, with great admiration.
Can you not see the beauty of your effort and how it explodes the mind into thinking about not the gulf only, singularly, unusually focused, but that the gulf is only a symptom of greater problems? It is simple. The gulf would not be a problem if we principled capitalists, republicans and conservatives got it “right.” And surprisingly “accidents” would still happen.
You are succeeding beyond your wildest dreams with this blog effort, and yet I feel you don’t see, sense or appreciate the “good” you are doing by igniting the soul of Hollywood, America’s Republicans and Conservatives.
You don’t want “me too” answers. Believe me. It didn’t happen amongst the Founding Fathers, thank God. Don’t demand linear thinking either, embrace the freedom of thought you encourage and display.
Good luck with your latest movie project. America needs the distraction.
You have at least visited this blog site. Dissent, opposition and participation in a debate, in any form is honored, respected and encouraged in America. However to be truly valuable, relevant and effective a translator is required. Otherwise the above message has gone astray, missed an opportunity, lost in the lack of discernable articulation and that is a loss to both the author and audience.
To those of you who don't speak chinese this is what it says, "For a brisk stroll blog, thank you to share with you Oh" 謝謝您的參與所有條目總是受歡迎的。The staff of "A Hollywood Republican"
Please everyone read today's article on the Obama White House Diaries as there is a followup to the article cited herein. It will blow your mind.
Humor is an effective antidote to ridicule. I think Sal Alinsky missed that cure.
More news today on the economy. The GDP for the First Quarter was revised downward to 2.5% growth. This is below the number that most economists say is necessary for job growth to just equal population growth. Accordingly, unemployment will begin to rise again.
I fear a double dip recession. Any thoughts?
Frank I can almost see you clapping your hands with that last comment and yelling "oh goody!!" There is so much I'd love to speak to in this article that I dare not begin. Sadly this along with much that is written here has a foreseeable mission: pray that the worst case scenarios take place. That, and only that will bring you pleasure. It isn't the good of our country or it's citizenry that is at the core of your efforts, it is to predict and ultimately witness failure on behalf of the administration. That will be your euphoria, whether the rest of us hope for better or not. Everyone here is more than familiar with the ineptness and inadequacies exhibited by our last President. I was equally disappointed as most were with the direction our country was headed in, the uncertain future of our soldiers, the dismantling of our constitutional rights, and on and on and on. NOT ONCE did I gleefully hope that things would continue to worsen so as to prove my belief that the wrong man was at the helm. To the contrary, I wished, prayed even, daily that God would instill that man with the compassion and wisdom to take us all to a better place on all fronts. Clearly I knew nothing short of divine intervention would pull us out of the quagmire we were in. How sad is it today that there are hoards of people hoping against hope that they will witness a great failure of epic proportions? It's more than sad, it's tragic. I expect less from our enemies, not from my comrades.
Deborah, that is unfortunately from your standpoint untrue. No one prayed for Obama to fail. We all prayed for his success even if we did not agree with his politics.
However, he has proved from the date of his inauguration forward that he had no intent on governing from the center as he campaigned. He has continually driven to the left further and further.
Whether you believe it or not, he is attempting to turn the United States into a secular socialistic state. He will do his best to remove God from the country.
I love America. I have more love for this country than you can imagine. I do not appreciate a President that apologizes for our country, bows to foreign kings or claims that America are arrogant and egotistical. All things of which he has done.
I have not once called him stupid even though he claimed to visit all 57 states during the campaign. What would have happened to our prior president if he said something like that?
Listen, Mr. Bush's final four years were not good. We all admit that and that is why we lost. His first four years were much better. At least, he showed intense patriotism. This man has not had one good month in 18 thus far.
He is the one who is bent on destroying America. I suggest you read the letter by Jon Voigt a few days ago that is posted all over the internet. You may learn how many people are beginning to feel about this guy.
In November, the people will take this country back and we can all be arrogant and proud to be Americans again!
I couldn't disagree with you more Frank. Once again I will beg the question: What is this "our country" reference? Is it only yours and those who agree with your perspectives? I implore you to stop using such phrases as it isn't now and never will be "your" country, it belongs to all the citizens who inhabit it, to say or think otherwise is a falsehood.
As to your reference to the "57" states, I have not seen or heard that, however I'm sure the man knows how many states are in this country as well as you and I do. IF it was said I would consider that he misspoke, (perish the thought!!). Not like when GWB said things like "Is our children learning?" I can come up with quote after quote after quote where his ability to articulate, or the lack thereof, was downright embarrassing. In the end though, after I grimaced a bit, I knew that those were really not the paramount issues I was counting on him for. Sadly he let me down there also.
Please don't suggest I read anything by anyone, I choose what opinions are valid and Mr. Voigt has exhibited behavior in the past which caused me to question his emotional stability long before Nov. 2008. You are familiar with the adage: "opinions are like ....."
The point I'm trying to make here and in my last submission is that you will cling to and align yourself with anyone or anything which supports your disdain for the person who is actually charged with leading this country right now. It doesn't matter if the outcome of his tenure was actually a good thing for this country or not. Actually if it turn out to be a good thing you'd be one of those harboring great disappointment because it doesn't serve your agenda.
Meanwhile there are many of us who feel that the dissension, division and downright lunacy has got to stop as it only serves to prevent us from moving forward in a constructive and beneficial way. When I listen to or read some of the downright crazy stuff I am witnessing these days I wonder when the conservative movement decided to attach itself to such extremism. There is no moderate voice for some of us independents to listen to. It's those who are touting such ridiculous theories or proposals that no one in their right mind would support them
So, you wanna take "your" country back?? Tell me, what did "your" people do for us when it was "your" country? That turned out well, didn't it? Please stop thinking in such singular terms and realize you are but one mindset in a world of many, it is yours to embrace but never to be considered the only one or the right one. Just as you encourage me to expand my thought processes and read other perspectives, which I do every day, I would encourage the same from you. I won't hold out much hope for that to take place though.
Deb: I mean "our" as in the citizens. It is time we took our country back from the government which is now beginning to get so big it cannot sustain itself. The government belongs to the people, not you or I.
The government is now out of control and President Obama is leading it on this course.
We, the people, must take it back and take a look at the Constitution particularly Article 1, Section 8 and the Tenth Amendment. Only by these principles will we survive as a people.
Ah, so if there are other citizens who happen to disagree with your beliefs then what? They are wrong or misinformed or unintelligent? Again you are attempting to speak for all and I'm not sure you do. You speak for a group of people who are disenchanted with a Democrat, an Illinois Senator or dare I say, a black man running this country. You are scrutinizing his every move, with the likes of which I have never been privy to in all my years of political participation. I wonder if anyone knows if he wears boxers or bvds and how that might anger some. Your magnifying glass is so close and so tuned in that if he trips there are those rushing to their keyboards or microphones to tout the error immediately!!
Such scrutiny is beyond reproach. Where was this scrutiny when our reputation on the world stage was being destroyed minute by minute? Where was it when we as a country decided to depart from the principles of the Geneva convention for which we held other countries to and punished for?
NOW you want to reference the constitution and how we have to adhere to it's covenants? Where were you when it was being dismantled over the last administration?? Did you not take exception then? Was it just not important to you then and only has become important to you NOW??? Oh! and please don't tell me it was necessary due to the wartime circumstances, the constitution is not a document of convenience, it's principles are supposed to represent the backbone of how we govern.
If I may quote a little known writer here: "It was Bush --not terrorists --who dismantled our Constitution with the pronouncement that 'The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper'. It was Bush --not terrorists --who declared an end of habeas corpus, due process of law, the right to be secure against unreasonable searches and seizure, the rights of free speech, assembly and petition. It was Bush --not terrorists --who must surely 'just hate freedom'. It was Bush --not terrorists --who robbed us what it was that made us a nation!" The writer left out our ability to hold private conversations without fear of government intrusion. Did you ever think our country would turn to this?
So please Frank, don't tell me how we have to get back to governing according any article in the constitution. After all, it's just a "goddamned piece of paper".
Also please stop speaking as though you are the voice of "every man". Many of us gravitate through this world with eyes wide open possessing a little less scrutiny and a lot more thoughtful logic.
I don't mean to sound so harsh but this is going way too far at this point. The political cycle moves quickly enough here and politicians come and go. Things will change soon enough and your tea party candidates who brag about privatizing social security or allowing businesses the right to discriminate based on race, or even taking us back to prohibition days, (just to name a few), will be in power. God only knows what will become of us then.
As I've often said before Frank, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
BVD' with the letters POTUS on the back...I believe Michelle got them for him for fathers day
Once that info hits the airwaves look out!!! I can see the Articles of Impeachment being drawn up as we speak. My Lord!
For the benefit of my fellow readers you have just witnessed an over-dramatization of EXACTLY what our political climate is like today. BVDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*lights hair on fire*
It's as though we made a request to the country stating the following:
Wanted; one bright articulate individual with leadership qualities to move our Country in a new and uplifting direction.
Salary: Bring your own
Benefits: You don't sleep much do you?
The potential candidate should possess very thick skin and live by the adage: You can please all the people all the time.
Please note the Country we are seeking your talents for is in a financial downward spin with all forecasts looking grim, at best. Additionally the citizenry's trust in government is at all time low as prior administrations took liberties where there were none to be taken.
Anyone interested in this position should arrive with family in tow ready to hit the ground running.
The applications were sent in and the American people decided on the best candidate based on the potential choices.
Poor dear I wonder how many times he wishes he were still in Illinois attending one of his daughter's soccer games with his wife by his side, shaking his head like the rest of us wondering how this country got in such a mess.
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