Marco Rubio Gets It
Here is an article by Jeniffer Rubin about the Obama Administration's position on Israel that shows the Republican Candidate for the Senate in Florida, Marco Rubio, gets it and understands why we have to support his candidacy and support Israel against Muslim Extremists.
The good news is America’s right is getting noticed. When they begin to dissect you, critic you, demean you and even give advice, you begin to realize you have taken up residence in their soul. That is definite proof people like you bloggers are having an enormous, an American, a constitutional implied and intended consequence.
The Economist, “What’s wrong with America’s right”, a British publication which is reeling over the American attack on capitalistic oil, whether you condemn the damage of the environment, acknowledge accidents can and do happen, or realize that our cars, trains, boats, planes, and some generating plants need this fuel for our economy, first to recover, and then to grow, the first priority is to stop the flow, second is to analyze and improve safety, and in the long run, where economically, go green. BP was probably the most “green” company alive until our President chooses to add it to the list of villains used to distract from an evaluation of a potentially very destructive even incompetent administration menu of policies. So why we are not first and foremost laserly focused on getting the “problem fixed’, without this litany of the blame/criminalize/egocentric political agenda is a valid, probative question.
The upcoming election in November has everyone engaged. A decent republican showing will put the breaks on this progressive agenda. America was once the well spring of new ideas, especially about slimming government. Where are we headed. Greece is a case study.
Thankfully, we are not only deconstructing America, we are reforming the conservative and republican movement. Less spending, supporting Israel, tax revolts. The nasty “No” and “Stop” as William F Buckley so elegantly once said must be admitted to, embraced, held to firmly while….we move forward with new and better ideas. And that uprising of fresh ideas is beginning to surface. We must admit, we let this disaster happen.
The key here is center-right ideas, policies and regulations. We must abolish, dissect to destruction, and overwhelm the “crisis is too good a thing to waste” to “progress, properly planned, is crisis prevention.” Republic is our soul and disciplined capitalism is the mantra to recovery.
Term limits must gain traction and be imposed. And the only judge of character is performance and results. If they don’t measure up, throw them out immediately. Beware; as President Eisenhower once implied, of the power of the large industrial complexes, drugs, unions, academia, and the military complexes. They are egocentric, and often not constitutionally driven to represent the electorate. All politics is local has shifted and is a shame, as the funding of political races has become national and global. Was not China involved in the Clinton fund raising? All current events are suspiciously repetitions of the 1930’s. Alas, we do not study history so we are doomed to repeat it.
This is an excellent comment and it is appreciated. Whenever you must look for sanity, look to "The Economist." This is one of the best publications in the world. It is truly a shame that it comes out of the UK and not the US.
As stated in this column before, the election this year is most important. The far left liberals and the for right conservatives are not good for this country. We must get back to Center-Right and deal from there.
Again, good comment from wherever it came.
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