“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
To those of you unfamiliar with the above passage it is perhaps one of the most import sections in our constitution. It was so important our Founders listed it first, above all others in the Bill of Rights. It is the First Amendment which gives all Americans the right of FREE SPEECH. The First Amendment gives you the protection to say anything you want as long as it doesn’t incite imminent danger.
There are exceptions to this amendment. A few of them are “obscenity”, “Commercial Speech”, which applies to false advertising and “Fighting Words” which are words or phrases that are likely to induce the listener to get in a fight. That last one is pretty broad based and has caused the Supreme Court a few headaches over the years.
But I’m not writing this article to give you a brief amateur lesson in Constitutional Law but to give you a basis for understanding this….The First Amendment protects our right to be idiots plain and simple and past history has born that statement as a “truism” more times than I can count. So why was I surprised by what happened at the Longworth House office building in Washington, D.C. on March 20th? To remind those of you who may have forgotten Representative Emanuel Cleaver (D-Mo.) was spat upon by protestors, Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a “nigger” and Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) was called a "faggot." Pretty disgusting stuff to say the least. I decided to write out the complete “N” word because simply saying or writing the “N word” when reporting is sanitizing a disgusting event almost to the point of acceptability.
But getting back to my original question, “Why was I surprised.” Because I thought we had grown up some from those horrible days of nastiness preceding the Civil Rights Movement. I though most of us had learned that all are created equal and should be treated as such. I guess I just believed that incidents like what happened in Washington were just isolated idiots who were looking for their 15 seconds of fame. Not really wanting to see that a deeper and more disturbing problem still exists in this country festering just below the surface.
Ray Taliaferro, a syndicated black shock jock on San Francisco’s KGO radio was enraged by the happenings in Washington. And tucked away in his angry rhetoric was a simple question. And I’m paraphrasing here, “You bet I am enraged by this. But the bigger question is why aren’t you?” And he’s right; all of us should be angry and offended by this ugly display.
But this sad drama has now gone one step further, Andrew Breitbart, publisher and author, has called into question the whole incident. In a quote from an interview with the Washington Independent Breitbart said...
“It’s time for the allegedly pristine character of Rep. John Lewis to put up or shut up. Therefore, I am offering $10,000 of my own money to provide hard evidence that the N- word was hurled at him not 15 times, as his colleague reported, but just once. Surely one of those two cameras wielded by members of his entourage will prove his point.
And surely if those cameras did not capture such abhorrence, then someone from the mainstream media — those who printed and broadcast his assertions without any reasonable questioning or investigation — must themselves surely have it on camera. Of course we already know they don’t. If they did, you’d have seen it by now.”
So this circus continues as Republicans and Democrats hurl insults at one another and as usual blaming each other. But this is all camouflage used to hide the more serious problem; racism. And whether it’s against Blacks, Muslims, Hispanics, Jews or little green men it is still a festering undercurrent in America. When we elected a black president many people felt we were ushering in a new era in race relations. Most hope this would help America finally get past those ugly prejudices that have haunted this country since its inception. But Taliaferro’s angry cry, “You bet I am enraged by this. But the bigger question is why aren’t you?” still echoes in my head and I wonder how many of us out there can honestly say, “Yes I am enraged.” and have the guts to do something about it.
© 2010 by Ira Schwartz. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Labels: Bill of Rights, First Amendment, Free Speech, Ira Schwartz, Race Relations
Ira: Good article. I have a different take. I think we indeed have come a long way. This president's unethical behavior and provocative demeanor has gotten a free pass from liberals because of ideology which seems to trump everything else. But he has also received the benefit of a doubt from the independents and even some who lean conservative because no one wants their opposition to his policies to be interpreted as racist. I am not outraged by a few morons who use bigotry. We have 300 million people in this country, and even if only one-tenth of one percent are nuts, that is still a population 300,000! No, I am more outraged by the way this president and some members of congress, including Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and others, imply or directly assert that any citizen opposed to their agenda is a racist. I am outraged that the media,including CNBC, who accuse conservative Tea Party members of racism. It is a serious accusation and the continued misuse of this assertion in an attempt to manipulate, control and marginalize the political opposition without engaging in the substance of the issues at hand is truly outrageous. That, my friend, will eventually unravel some of the racial progress we have made as a nation. If that happens, it will be a sad day for America.
I agree Craig that Obama has been given a free pass on this issue. And I also agree that those in his administration and congress who brand everyone against his policies as racist should be called on it. But when it comes to the tea party from my experience of talking to numerous members I can see how they can be branded as racists. I am sure all of them are not but unless they step up and constantly dispute those charges peoples opinions will not change. When you're dealing in hundreds of thousands of people its hard to control them all and you know as well as I that it's always the noisy few who get noticed. And as far as the news(Ha Ha Ha) media are concerned as long as we allow them to make the news instead of reporting it we will continue to have that problem. They should have the freedom to cover the news but unless it's an editorial they need to keep their personal opinions to themselves. Either you're a news organisation or you're part of the political machine and right now all the news organisations are part of the political machine. Thanks for the comments Craig. You know your opinions are always welcome and appreciated.
They did have it on camera. It was engraved in the sensory perception of the people nearby. It has been analyzed repeatedly, infinitely looped on TV. And the policemen near by at the time of the incident seemed to have claimed nothing like that happened. And the reward for proof has as yet, not been claimed?
This was about justified anger over the passage of the healthcare bill. How do you deflect that? With ridicule.
And we bought it, even if not true, as evidence of racism? We miss the point entirely. If we are going to take a dishonest media, and clever opposition, to task then we do not understand Rules for Radicals and the fact that they work. What exactly are you enraged about and what do you suggest we do about it? You are following their game plan. You would have us accept responsibility for racism without holding anyone accountable for a bad healthcare bill. To co-mingle the issues does no justice to either. You saw people blaming each other. I saw people exercising their first amendment rights.
One of Saul Alinsky’s rules is the ends justify the means.
The false premise of this incident sets the stage for “Ridicule”, not racism, which for the “Radical” is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the opposition into concession. And we did concede. Make the opposition live up to their own book of rules, even if they haven’t broken any.
Why am I not enraged? Possibly the generalization stated in the last paragraph does follow necessarily from the incident. Possibly this media tactic was pretty crude, rude, mean and predictable. They want anger, irrationality, rage and fear. Embrace racism where there is none and you have allowed them to “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it. And they didn’t even need to justify it.
This is not a mistake. It is an example of the effectiveness of the Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky and the thesis of the Cloward and Piven Strategy. Now a discussion on Saul, Cloward and Piven would not only be instructional it would illuminate the philosophy of the opposition. And defending ourselves against things that didn’t happen seems to be exactly the distraction these Radicals want.
The issue of racism can be embraced forever. Some would argue it is a White House stratagem. The malcontents and the misery merchants will never let this gift stop giving. But over half of America voted for Obama so get over it, unless one wants to continue hanging out with the fringes. They are an absolute. And why weren’t white people in your list of people who suffer from racism (maybe reverse racism if you prefer)? Maybe it should have been but that would have opened a bridge over the chasm. Was this really about the first amendment, a story that got the facts wrong, racism or people that just blame each other for things that happen?
When we are at a loss for the facts, our intellect fails us, wisdom eludes us, count on racism, bigotry, politics and religion to gum up the dialogue and excuses us from thinking.
Do we conclude that you agree there is no proof of the alleged facts that begot this discussion and yet you lecture in support of their accusations? It really didn’t happen but that doesn’t prove racism doesn’t exist. Well, alright, I agree. Were they clever or did I miss something.
This was about justified Conservative, Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian anger over the healthcare bill passage, not racism.
And your point is it's okay to act like animals because we were mad. Sorry there is no excuse for racism except ignorance and hatred.
Oh, my. You are better than this. When did anyone say there was an excuse for racism. Read the narrative slowly and carefully. If you still come to same conclusion you are seeing what you want see and not what was said. Please refer to the top comment. That frames this issue in a reasonable different context also.
I stand corrected and apologize for the error on my part
Sorry, your race card is denied. It's being pulled due to overuse.
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