12 Taxes in Health Care Law Violate Obama’s Pledge Not to Increase Taxes on Households Earning Less than $250,000
This is an article that must be read. It simply says it all and shows how truthful our president is to the American public.
This bill truly is about redistribution of the wealth.
Labels: Barack Obama, Health Care, Taxes
Sadly,no surprise here. The president of lies is preceding at light speed to commit us,our children and grandchildren to a life of indentured servitude to his Big Government ideals.
With all the literary talent available within your ranks why post this article? I'm sure there are many of you quite articulate enough to verbalize your discontent over the recent passing of the bill. The article itself doesn't hold much merit for me for two reasons. First it would appear much of the egregious tax "business" seems to be in reference to those who are uninsured. Those of us who have coverage are paying for their health care needs in our rising premium costs, skyrocketing service fees and increased deductible amounts today. That might supply a savings for all of us in the long run. Secondly I never put much credence in op-ed material. We all are familiar with the old adage: "Opinions are like...."
Assuredly I can post a counter commentary to anything you can find on the net.
I'd much rather spend my time in dialogue discussing the facts not opinions.
It is impossible to separate facts from opinion. If facts do not lead you to an opinion, either to confirm or disprove a hypothesis, then the scientific method could not have served us so well. Your opinion is “special” so give that respect to the opinions of others. What ever happened to “honorable people can disagree?”
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