A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Nov 13, 2009

Another 9/11 Travesty

A little more than eight years ago, a group of Muslim Terrorists attacked Americans on American soil. In the end, more than 3,000 innocent civilian Americans were dead. The attack on that day was just that: an attack. A well planned and executed military attack that murdered thousands of people.

This morning, another travesty relating to 9/11 occurred. President Obama and his loyal minion, Attorney General Eric Holder decided that the War Criminals who were responsible for 9/11 would be tried as civilians in a Federal Courtroom in lower Manhattan, a few blocks from their main and most deadly attack that day. A few blocks from Hallowed Ground.

I am angry. As all of you know from this column, I try to be fair and balanced in my arguments. I do not allow anger to rule the day. But today, I am angry. The Obama Administration has now decided that these War Criminals should have the same rights and privileges as ordinary citizens.

The ramifications of this are obvious. It is just another example of the appeasement and weakness of the Obama Administration and his policies. I want you all to remember the last time appeasement was used in the late 1930’s. After that travesty fifty million people were dead including six million innocent Jews. The last time we were weak was during the Carter Administration. The result, American held hostage for more than one year.

Having the trials of these War Criminals in civilian courtrooms will allow these hate mongers to abuse and mock the American citizens and families of those they have left tortured and depressed for eight years. The trials will be subject to public scrutiny and will be a media circus like that of Michael Jackson and OJ Simpson. National security measures will be made public and National Intelligence Techniques, not all of which are water boarding, will be made public. Relevant evidence will not be admitted because of technical issues on the rule of evidence. These War Criminals may actually be let free.

The Bush Administration, even with all of its faults, kept us safe. Just last week, another terrorist attack occurred at Ft. Hood on American soil. That left 13 Americans dead and more than 25 wounded. President Obama did not even call it a terrorist attack. He was too concerned about the feelings of the terrorists to say what it really was. And today, this travesty.

I urge all of you to go this website, click on the badge and sign the petition:  http://www.thebravest.com/

Ronald Reagan said it best, “peace through strength.” Maybe Obama should listen and learn. After all he claims to be a pragmatist.

© 2009 by Frank T. DeMartini. Permission to copy will be freely granted upon request.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention - due process allows for the possibility of these d-bags being released on a technicality! I agree, Franky - this is HORRIBLE! The upside - Obama may have just sealed his fate in 2012 -- let's hope so.

November 13, 2009 at 1:08 PM  
Anonymous Ira said...

Well Done Frank

November 13, 2009 at 1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a patriot.

God love you Frank, but you missed the point. This is all about convicting Bush. One of the first questions asked the justice department was, and I paraphrase, “What will Holder do if these animals are acquitted? The answer was chilling on two fronts. First, that it was even asked, and that the justice department has a back up plan for additional indictments so….they have considered the option of losing. Second, can you, as a prosecutor, imagine the affront to losing a case where the guilty have “willingly” confessed and ask to be sent to their heaven?

Find me a jury of their peers and I will show you a gagyll of jihadists.

November 13, 2009 at 8:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Frank, well said and unfortunately I wasn't much surprised. Request permission to post on my blog... http://theconservativeedge.blogspot.com/ giving full credit to you of course!

November 13, 2009 at 11:55 PM  
Anonymous KK said...

This is completely expected. How many examples do people need before they admit that Obama and his ilk HATE America. His admin.contues to show Americans that the real agenda is to take this country down. Any other conclusion is delusion.

November 14, 2009 at 6:15 AM  
Blogger bruce nahin said...

I see all sorts of so called constitutional rights issues being raised resulting from so called torture, lack of miranda rights rihgt to speedy trial,attorneysand all that liberal crap that lets guilty creeps go free...these jerks will go free because of it.. Palin 2012 is looking more realistic then ever

November 14, 2009 at 8:54 AM  
Anonymous KK said...

Unfortunately,you're correct Bruce. Everybody from talking heads and pundits to regular people keep discussing all the ins and outs fd what the Obama White House is doing and thinking. None of it is logicial and we need to face the reality that he does not want our country to exist as it was intended by our founding fathers.The sooner we all accept it ,the sooner he can be stopped. I know its a sad fact to face but we all need to be dealing in reality.

November 14, 2009 at 9:37 AM  
Anonymous Billy Dean said...

Well said, Frank. The negative possibilities of this stupid move are endless!!!! Obama and his people are beyond anything I can describe.

November 14, 2009 at 9:42 AM  
Anonymous Ira said...

This country needs to stop giving a damn what other countries think of us. The hell with them. If they don't like us for who and what we are then can give us back all the money we send them in foreign aid. Those terrorist out there need to know that our constitution will only go so far inregards to them. You hurt us and our greater family we will return the favor to you and your family. We need to call a duck a duck. And Bruce I know you're a Palinite but the last thing this country needs is another amateur at the helm. Let's hope the RNC realizes that and picks someone who actually knows what their doing. Good article Frank. Enjoy NYC.

November 14, 2009 at 10:02 AM  
Blogger Craig Covello said...

Every week that goes by there is another stupid decision from this administration which seems hellbent on destroying the liberties and protection we have enjoyed since our nation was founded. They also are hellbent on aligning themselves with our enemies. The White House has no use for Americans, only foreigners. I was in Europe when Barry was campaigning in Germany. It sent a chill through me because it was a precursor of things to come. Go read "If harm comes our way" again, because this president has no interest in our history, our values or our well being.

November 14, 2009 at 9:07 PM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

Thanks for all of the comments guys. I was in NY and couldn't respond as I would have. Anyone that wants to publish this article in any way, has my permission to do it. I really appreciate it. Thanks. By the way, I also believe that Palin can't win and will give Obama reelection. We need someone to beat this guy. I know he or she is out there.

November 17, 2009 at 7:50 AM  

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