A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Nov 4, 2009

Lucky Ties

Chris Christie was obviously wearing his; as was Robert McDonnell. The GOP is officially breathing again. It was a great day for Republicans yesterday. It happened exactly one year after we took our worst shellacking since the 1960’s. And, what did President Obama do while his party was getting whooped in two states which voted for him last year? He sat at home and watched a special on HBO about His election victory last year. The official statement from the White House is that he did not even bother to watch any of the results as “they just didn’t matter and didn’t reflect on him: They were locally driven.”

For the past year I have been saying the current President is one of the biggest megalomaniacs in history. And, last night, he just proved it again. While the state of New Jersey which is one of the bluest was falling and the State of Virginia was being swept by Republicans which has not happened since Reconstruction, the President was watching a TV show about His grandiose victory last year. His ego is completely out of control. I wonder if he was wearing his lucky tie last night.

However, we all know who definitely was not: Doug Hoffman. This is the man that ran on the Conservative ticket in NY-23 which is a district in Upstate New York that has been Republican since the Civil War. Well, in the immortal words of Jacques Clousseau, “Not Anymore!” Doug Hoffman was defeated yesterday garnering only 46% of the vote. The projected winner, the Democrat Bill Owens, garnered 49% and the liberal Republican who withdrew last week received 5%. She proved to be he spoiler.

I find this race in NY-23 to be very disturbing. It is a race that garnered national attention when Sarah Palin, the Queen of the Far Right, decided to support the Conservative Candidate and not the Republican. Before that, the race was hardly being looked at by anybody.

NY-23 is a district in Upstate New York which borders on Canada and Vermont. It is more than 90% white and skews Republican by a margin of more than five percentage points. The area has been Republican for as far as anyone can remember. But, last night, it elected a Democrat. Why?

The Republican Party nominated Dede Scozzafava to run in this district without a primary. Ms. Scozzafava is one of the most liberal Republicans in the history of the Party. She is not pro-life, supports same-sex marriage and has strong ties to Labor, positions which are opposed by the majority of the Party. She does support the Bush tax cuts and is against Cap-And-Trade. It was rumored during the election that she hinted she might caucus with the Democrats if elected.

Obviously the nomination of Ms. Scozzafava was a big mistake. By nominating her, the Party allowed a three way race to occur thereby guaranteeing a Democratic victory. Of course, it did not help, that upon quitting the race five days ago, Ms. Scozzafava gave her support, not to the Conservative Hoffman, but to the Democrat Owens. The Party should have run a primary before nominating Scozzafava or, at the least, seen the power of the Right movement and nominated someone more in line with the mainstream Republican platform.

But, that is not really what disturbs me about the race in NY-23. What disturbs me the most is the ramification of what happened there to the rest of the country and to the elections in 2010. The Republican Party seems to be splintering into two halves, the conservatives and the moderates. The Conservatives are being supported by Ms. Palin and a large group of Right Wing pundits. They are represented by the Tea Party Organizations and the States’ Rights Groups. I am probably one of them.

However, without the moderates; the center of the political spectrum, the Party will not regain control of the federal government. There is simply not enough of the Far Right to support a majority anywhere in the country. The moderates and independents win elections. And, boy was that clear last night.

All of the exit polling shows that McDonnell and Christie won because there was a major swing in the independent voter to the Republicans. These swing voters stated they were against the huge government spending, the failed stimulus package and were in fear for the future of their children. The majority of these independents voted for Obama in the last election.

We need them these independents. We must do whatever is necessary to maintain their support. We cannot swing to the far right and expect to do anything in 2010. If we do, there will be a lot of Democrats that will be wearing their lucky ties. If we continue to attract the moderates and independents as happened yesterday, it will be a large group of Republicans wearing theirs.

©2009 by Frank T. DeMartini

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Blogger bruce nahin said...

Frank I must disagree...The Party of Ms. Scozzafava is not my party.Frankly neither is Snow, Collins, and Spector.. Only Arlen admitted the truth he was a Rino- but the otehrs are too. We can take back control only by following the principles of Reagan. To me Sarah Palin is our leader to that promised land.Without her assist that rino would have been elected..now Hoffman can go one on one with Owens next year and we will win.

November 4, 2009 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

Bruce: Do you really think a far right party can retain the moderates and the independents? I'm really concerned about that. I agree that the prinicples of Reagan are the way to win an election. But, remember, Reagan won the center big both times and won a lot of moderate Democrats. These that are on the far right will alienate the moderates.

As for NY-23, I agree that Hoffman should have been the nominee from the beginning. The mistake was in nominating Dede. That is what set up the disaster that became the election. Hoffman should win next year. I'm not concerned. But, we cannot have the moderates within our party challenging the right. Mark my words, we will assuredly lose.

November 4, 2009 at 2:07 PM  
Blogger Craig Covello said...

Frank: Nicely said. But I have a different take on it. I don't think the conservatives need to worry about swinging moderates their way in 2010. Obama (Barry) is going to do it for us. Every week we have seen actions by the White House and their allies which defy reason and rational thought. This year the issues centered on unemployment, spiraling federal debt, bailouts, nationalized health care, communist czars advising the president and the perceived loss of personal freedom in America. 2010 will deliver more outrageous behavior that could turn the tide. And the stakes could go higher than that. Either North Korea or Iran will have enough nuclear capability to do some real damage somewhere near us if not on our own soil. God forbid these rouge nations blow up a city somewhere in the world, but if they do, the White House will waffle instead of taking decisive military action. Barry can switch off Fox News and watch all the inauguration video he wants, but he will be blamed for enabling our enemies. If harm comes our way, this nation will scurry to the values and policies which have kept our citizens safe. Obama and his crowd will be thrown out of office.

November 4, 2009 at 5:13 PM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

In God's name, I really hope it never comes to that Craig!

November 4, 2009 at 5:21 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Frank, I take offense of your 'Sarah Palin Queen of the Far Right' comment. We didn't call Ronald Raegan 'far right'. I think Ms. Palin is a conservative which to me is a no nonsense republican. Smaller government, lower taxes, strong defense and all the other accolades that are good for our party. O'Reilly is currently running a pol on who would be best leading our party. He listed Huckabee, Palin, Gingrich, Romney and I'm thinking Palin will win.

I was encouraged to see who came out for Hoffman btw with Fred Thompson and his wife, Pawlenty and several others. Since the Republican was still on the ballot a few people probably weren't up on the news of her dropping out plus she opted for Owens didn't help us either and she got 5% of the vote. Water under the bridge now of course but I believe this race comes up again next year. We may get a better candidate or even Hoffman could win with a little more experience under his belt by then!

November 5, 2009 at 12:51 AM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

I'm sorry if I offended Renoman, but if you look at the article carefully, I said that I am probably one of the far right. It was meant as irony. I like Sarah, but there is a part of me that thinks she is not electable. She is kind of like the Republican version of Hillary Clinton. The amount of people that like her and the amount of people that hate her are almost the same. At this point, the Far Right does not really have a leader that is charismatic enough to beat Obama. I wish we did. Oh, if only Ronny were still alive and could run again.

November 5, 2009 at 7:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Frank, your concern accepted and I was probably a little strong in my attempt to make my point.

I think as time goes on, especially as matters get worse, and believe me the current administration will not be able to turn things around, our position will improve. Obama's personality won't allow him to admit error so his course is set in stone.

As time goes by I believe we will be able to learn more about Sarah and her ways to improve our standings in our great country. I think she is more like our Ronny than most think!!! Keep up the good work here on your blog and I'm doing the same on mine!

November 5, 2009 at 12:09 PM  
Anonymous Billy Dean said...

I think there is much more to worry about than Sarah Palin, that is another wimpy moderate candidate like McCain. Then this time we will have a Hoffman like candidate running. I don't want this to happen because it will most likely spell defeat for the Republican's. We don't want NY-23 to repeat itself! I'm sad to say but I remember Perot, in that race we had two moderate candidates!!! Remember what happen. Keep up the good Frank!!!

November 6, 2009 at 7:45 AM  

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