Craig Covello is an avid reader of this column. He has contributed a few articles. Here is his response to my article entitled. "Lucky Ties."
If Harm Comes Our Way
Two days ago, I commented on Frank DeMartini's article entitled "Lucky Ties" –
"Frank: Nicely said. But I have a different take on it. I don't think the conservatives need to worry about swinging moderates their way in 2010. Obama (Barry) is going to do it for us. Every week we have seen actions by the White House and their allies which defy reason and rational thought. This year the issues centered on unemployment, spiraling federal debt, bailouts, nationalized health care, communist czars advising the president and the perceived loss of personal freedom in America. 2010 will deliver more outrageous behavior that could turn the tide. And the stakes could go higher than that. Either North Korea or Iran will have enough nuclear capability to do some real damage somewhere near us if not on our own soil. God forbid these rogue nations blow up a city somewhere in the world, but if they do, the White House will waffle instead of taking decisive military action. Barry can switch off Fox News and watch all the inauguration video he wants, but he will be blamed for enabling our enemies. If harm comes our way, this nation will scurry to the values and policies which have kept our citizens safe. Obama and his crowd will be thrown out of office."
On Thursday, a terrorist attack was launched at Fort Hood in Texas. Unless you have been under a rock, or traveling on business all day yesterday (as I was), you missed a lot of media coverage regarding an Islamic terrorist who decided to kill as many Americans as possible. This killer murdered 13 of our military while wounding another 30 on our own soil. I won't rehash the details because if you are paying attention, you have heard them already. So here is the point.
Not less than 24 hours after I published the comment above, we had a serious Muslim terrorist attack on American soil.
There is no amount of spin that the media can put on this to hide the fact that this guy was in our military for years, yet was a Muslim extremist and terrorist sympathizer. A lot of the news has focused on his motivation. Was he acting alone? Had he been harassed? Was he troubled? Was he crazy? To be totally honest, I don't give a flip about this guy or his psyche. Sorry. 13 of our young people are dead. Another 30 are seriously hurt.
But before we all take sides on the meaning of this event, perhaps we should consider a much more sobering thought. It is not a huge leap in logic to assume that our military may have been breached at some level by the enemy. The question is how much? Political correctness has taken its toll on the armed forces to the point where an Army psychiatrist can argue with returning veteran patients by insisting that their service to our country was wrong. I wonder how the soldier who handles nuclear weaponry feels about America. How about those handling classified documents? Our nation has become so polarized; can we be sure that ALL strategic military and intelligence personnel will do their best to defend our nation from of another attack of greater magnitude? I am not reassured by a President who has never served in the military and does not want to "rush to judgment" regarding the incident at Fort Hood. To repeat my comment for emphasis: "If harm comes our way, this nation will scurry to the values and policies which have kept our citizens safe. Obama and his crowd will be thrown out of office."
© 2009 by Craig Covello. Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.
Labels: Barack Obama, Craig Covello, Iran, North Korea, Terrorism
Craig you may eventually be proven correct but Joe Lieberman aside no hardevidence has come out that indicates this to be a terrorist attack. The FBI, Homeland Security and Army Intelligence is still investigating the matter. No one but the hysterical masses in this country have come to a conclusion. Does the fact that he is a Muslim or has and Islamic name make him automatically guilty? Again I am not saying you are wrong I am saying all of the facts are not yet in and to make such a dangerous statement is a bit irresponsible. Lets just hang him now and find out if he stole the horses later. Western justice at it's best.
Let me clarify a couple of points. The commentary did not suggest "hanging" anybody. But that does not mean our discussion should be censored by ignoring the facts published to date for fear of offending anyone. Just look at what this guy said and did in the name of Islam prior to this tragedy. I guess some of our disagreement centers around how to define a "terrorist attack". When someone kills in the name of Islam, then I consider it a terrorist attack. I respect that your definition may be different than mine.
Also, I stated that I don't care about this guy or his psyche. The point is that political correctness has compromised the military's standards on behavior. I do not think that questioning our national security should be labeled as "dangerous statements" or irresponsible. The Army's tolerance of this type of individual is dangerous and irresponsible.
So we can agree to disagree. I look forward to you commentary in the weeks and months to come. Take care.
We're still not sure exactly what he said if anything. I just wonder if this guy was black or had a japanese or korean name if anyone would be screaming "terrorist attack". Keep up the commentary whether I agree or not it will make people think. My best always,
Here is the latest update on the shooter:|htmlws-main-n|dl1|link3|
It appears Craig may have been right.
There's no arguing with the political correct crowd, I guess not? Is common sense just gone in some people?
Why in the world would the army keep this guy, they let anyone out if they want. I suspect he was kept in because he was Muslim. Same reason Browns government put Michel Savage on a list with terrorist's being banded from entering England. Keep it all balanced the fair regardless of the facts.
OH and are we at war with Japan or an all black nation somewhere that I missed? Who blew up the twin towers?
Lets try and deal with reality.
It would appear, now that the facts are coming in, this guy was more than your run of the mill "nut job". Whether he had ties with any terrorist organization or was on his own will probably come out soon enough. In any casr the FBI (F**king Bunch of Idiots) knew about him and deemed him not a threat. More on this in my next article.
The culture of "political correctness" which a a mild form of brain washing is now, as we see ,officially ensconsed in the military culture.This is the final warning sign to us as a Nation. Unless and until citizens DEMAND that the government stop giving potential threats the benefit of the doubt, we will be taken down. This is not alarmist theory this is fact.The enemy within that has been allowed to plot against us will not stop on their own. We cannot just "all get along" with people and a culture of Jijad that whats to kill us.
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