A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Oct 12, 2009

Picasso by Craig Covello

In our attempt to get different perspectives and opinions on the various issues at hand today, occasionally we will publish articles from guest writers. Attached hereto is an article by Craig Covello who is a Republican from Northern California that we felt was worth reading.

We are an American family. All 300+ million of us. But something has happened, something profound and disturbing. It is 3AM and I can't sleep thinking about the political events of the past year, past month and even the past week. The President's goal of "radically transforming the United States of America", whether successful or not, comes at a price. The relatively impersonal news and commentary emanating from Washington has become a catalyst which is redefining some very personal relationships in my own life. There have been some casualties. One of my closest friends in the world is no longer my closest friend. Our views have drifted that far apart. My mother-in-law of over 30 years is now a fan of Obama. This is someone who hung a poster of Ronald Reagan in her laundry room back in the 80's. We have much less in common today. She sees the trend of government socialism as beneficial to her grandsons. I see it as a very real threat to the future and freedom of my 2 boys. So what happened? How can family and friends come to such polarized conclusions regarding the direction of this country when they share a relatively common experience?

I can only offer one possible explanation. Picasso. Have you ever looked at a Picasso painting? Really looked at it? Abstract art is difficult to interpret in the context of reality. In the absence of a clear, discernible picture, the mind will strive to make sense of the image based upon personal bias, experience and even mood. For example, consider the painting entitled "Sylvette" . This painting is described as "a 19-year-old woman in bright colours and semi-abstract, geometric forms" I see a police officer sitting at a poker table with someone peering over his shoulder. Crazy, right? But I think we see what we want to see. So it comes as no surprise that when Washington politics becomes increasingly obfuscated and at times contradictory, the harder we try to make sense of it all. The net result-widely different interpretations of the same news.

So what is the answer? In my humble opinion, pitch the Picasso and get a photo representing something we can see clearly.

1. We need to restore some trust in government by letting things settle down. The rules we grew up with are changing at an exponential rate and it is time to stop, take a breath and reassess. I like our great nation, even with some of it's faults. There will be no utopia in America because we as humans are imperfect. It is ridiculous to start over by "radically transforming the United States of America" in an attempt to solve some of our problems. Let's take them on one step at a time. And let's be on guard to watch for anyone, regardless of party, who tries to implement change at a furious pace. Would you buy a car if the deal offered was only good for 5 minutes? The sense of urgency regarding domestic issues is artificial. It is manipulative, divisive and it needs to stop.

2. I say many in Congress have worn out their welcome on both sides of the isle. We need to thoroughly reexamine those running for reelection in 2010. We need to take voting seriously by doing our homework. Are they ineffective or unethical? Do they act contrary to their rhetoric? What is their specific voting record? Do you agree with most of their votes? If not, replace them. The term "Till death do you part" does not apply here. We need to ignore spin, marketing, hype, misdirection and castigation. Stick with the facts of the candidate. The media has done this country an incredible disservice by becoming extensions of partisan public relation offices.

3. Finally, we need to decide who we are and who we want to be, both individually and as a free nation. Do we really need our lives fulfilled on the promises of some public figure who we don't personally know? Most campaigns promise to "give us something" in exchange for our vote. Those promises don't often materialize. However, some of the quid pro quo which is actually delivered often comes at the high cost of personal freedom. Ironically, there are those who could not wait to move away from Mom and Dad when they turned 18, but now have no problem being excessively regulated and restricted by a centralized government when it comes to their own life. The quote from General John Stark on July 31, 1809 got it right. (Go ahead and look it up on Google. It is time for some homework. While you are at it, look up Picasso's Sylvette as well.)
Well, it is now 4AM, but I feel better having written this.

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Blogger bruce nahin said...

Excellent article. I too think we need to be still, pray ad listen...take a breather and wait for guidance. Time to take stock of all that has happened in 2009

October 12, 2009 at 4:48 PM  
Blogger Magycian said...

Even if we were to get to the point of talking it would help. I too have lost my best friend to the kool-aid, and each day I don't understand how he keeps thinking that way.

Conservatives, Republicans, Liberals all want basically the same thing. The extremes in all parties are what is gathering the attention though. Reminds me.. Did the sharks just stop attacking? Everything seems to have to be urgent, immediate and crisis level.

October 12, 2009 at 7:14 PM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

I think we all have lost friends and acquaintances to this inability to hold a discussion. My incident occured about four years before the election. I was in a restaurant with a friend of almost 20 years and the last thing he said to me was "Your one of them." He then flipped me off in the restaurant and sent me an e-mail the next day, stating "We're through."

I haven't heard from him since.

October 12, 2009 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

Sorry, that is supposed to say four weeks.

October 12, 2009 at 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perspective; a mental view or prospect.

You both write as if your friends have terminal illness and have been stricken from your lives. No, they have a different perspective, nothing more, nothing less. They believe in their reality as passionately and with as much conviction as you believe in yours.

Isn't that what life is about? Harboring different perspectives as a result of one's own personal experiences. Apparently there are many more who don't share your perspective than do in this country presently, as hard as that is for you to grasp.

Still, you will survive and wake up to a new day the way you did the day before and the day before that. Yes, breathe, collect your thoughts and realize that yours is not the only way to view our world, nor should it be.

We are not in the midst of a cataclysmic event and yours or my world is not coming to end. We will certainly all survive this and dare I say be much better off in the end. I know that is not your perspective at all, but it is mine and it represents a reality I and many others had long hoped would find it's time.

That's my perspective.

October 13, 2009 at 1:34 AM  
Blogger Frank T. DeMartini said...

Deborah: You are missing the point. The point that Craig is trying to make and that I have experienced myself is that most Democrats will not discuss issues with you. They find out that you are a Republican, think you are an idiot and stop talking to you. Or, they just scream and leave the room. I have had this happen to me on numerous occasions.

There are some Democrats that can discuss issues with you. But, from my experience these are few and far between. I know some of them too.

It's basically the argument I have been making for a long time. It is about emotions v. facts. Democrats react based upon emotion. Read my prior articles.


October 13, 2009 at 7:27 AM  
Anonymous Ira said...

Everything all of you gave said is correct at one time or another. Yes, God willing, we will all wake up tomorrow and go about things with no real sense of change. Yes the Healthcare bill will eventually pass and probably be tied up in court on numerous constitutional issues for decades. In the end and in the big picture it won't even be a blip on the radar. But we're really not talking about the big picture. We are talking about US as individuals. Discussion and debat whether it be calm or emotional is what this country was founded on and is the life blood that keeps us going and changing hopefully for the better. It these differences that make us stronger. Just remember everyone has two asshole moments in their lives that must be excused. A sort of "Asshole get out of jail free card". Most of us have been there. Hopefully not more than once.

October 13, 2009 at 9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

....and they wonder why I love this man's gift to write??? Nice job Ira. By the way, I'm still holding my "Asshole get out of jail free card", the need hasn't arisen where I've had to cash it it.

I understand your point as I understood Craig's. Why I weighed in is the glaring generalization.

I recently had a patient say to me "the nigger needs to be assassinated". I didn't surmise that all republicans are racist, violent people. I have discussed many issues with you through this venue and we all know which affiliation I lean towards.

I don't care if you've experienced this with 100 or 1000 people even, that is not enough representation to label potentially millions of others.

October 13, 2009 at 4:07 PM  

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