A Hollywood Republican

This blog is for an open discussion on politics. My views will be to the right as will be most of the posters. But, we are willing to post alternative viewpoints as lons as they are well thought out. I started this in response to the Obama election and will continue it as long as it feeds a need.

Oct 14, 2009

Nothing Noble about the Nobel Peace Prize Anymore by Ira Schwartz

Here is an article written by Ira about the Nobel Peace Prize as I promised yesterday. Hopefully, this will be the last we hear of this debacle. I hope you enjoy. Tomorrow, I will have another article by a guest writer, Michael Cochrane dealing with Global Warming. I'm still trying to have an article written myself by Friday. Sorry for the delay. Been really busy.

Nothing Nobel about the Nobel Peace Prize Anymore

Well the decision by the Nobel Foundation to award President Barack Obama the 2009 prize for Peace certainly shocked everyone in the world except the Nobel Foundation. The stunned look on the Presidents face when told he had won the prestigious award pretty much summed up how the rest of us felt.

In its statement, the Committee said President Obama "created a new climate in international politics. ... Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future." It continued, "His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population."

So they are basically saying that they have given our president the award because he has created a gentler, kinder United States. I can buy that one, for better or worse he has.

He has been in office barely a year and has already made inroads with several of his international overtures, though none have yet born fruit. Israel and the Palestinians are still struggling to find common ground but are trying; North Korea is still launching missiles and has yet to agree to the “six party” talks proposed by the United States and China; Iran has agreed to let inspectors in to their nuclear facilities, though the “when” part is still unclear and have also agreed to talks with the United States, when they will start is also unclear. The President has proposed total global nuclear disarmament which no one has taken seriously and we have finally joined with the rest of the world to find a way we can all live with global warming. We’re still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the US installed government in Iraq is so corrupt it makes Chicago politicians look like saints. I thought the Nobel Prize was given for positive results in the area of peace not for just trying to get those results. If just trying was the criteria to be nominated then the Nobel Foundation’s list must be longer than Mr. Clauses on Christmas Eve.

The rumor of the day floating around the international community is the Nobel Foundation is really giving the award to the American people for their progressive thinking for not only electing a black man to the Whitehouse but a Muslim too. Well if that is the case then give the award to the American People. We could use that 1.2 million dollars to extend the “cash for clunkers” program for another five minutes.

Whatever their reasons in the end we have to ask ourselves this question, at this time in history do we feel President Barack Obama deserves to be in the illustrious ranks of such notable people as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer, Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt? If not then the reasons given by the Nobel commission must be suspect and any future awards must appear a little less noble.

For those of you wondering who some of the other nominees were this year a partial list follows:

1. Chinese Human Rights Activist Hu Jia - imprisoned for campaigning for human rights in the PRC;
2. Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China's communist system;
3. Greg Mortenson, founder of the Central Asia Institute has built nearly 80 schools, especially for girls, in remote areas of northern Pakistan and Afghanistan over the past 15 years;
4. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, a philosophy professor in Jordan who risks his life by advocating interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims; and,
5. Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar. She currently leads the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and serves as the U.N. special envoy to Darfur.

I guess those listed above just didn’t try hard enough.

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Anonymous cruisinvision said...

Excellent piece. It is so unfortunate that this once-revered award that honored results has now become a universal joke and an insult to those who HAVE achieved.

October 14, 2009 at 12:18 PM  
Blogger bruce nahin said...

Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and now Barry...sure exposes the committee as a political group and renders the award meaningless. I remember Gore beating out Irena Sendler who saved hundreds of kids during WWII...for what unproven science . It is all political now, now a reward for people who actually make a difference

October 14, 2009 at 1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To repeat a recent quote:
"If he walked on water they'd say he couldn't swim"

There isn't anything that can or will happen for which he will receive credit. There will always be some other mysterious underlying reason why this or that actually happened. We are accustomed to this and accept it for what it is.

October 14, 2009 at 2:56 PM  
Blogger Craig Covello said...

Deborah: The mysterious underlying reason why things like this happen called POLITICAL POWER. Those of us who do not belong to unions or hold government jobs are upset because we are paying attention to facts, events, political statements and trends in the context of history. We don't like being manipulated when the manipulation becomes so transparently obvious. We don't like hypocrisy. (And don't start in about George Bush. I don't like him either) I can flip your statement - Is there anything involving Obama which will not be celebrated by the far left? Has critical thinking become a thing of the past? Groucho Marx said it best "Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"

October 14, 2009 at 9:33 PM  
Blogger fritzc77 said...

What they, the Nobel committee, are really talking about is appeasement, and that is the exact opposite of true leadership.

October 15, 2009 at 10:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Deborah: Walking on water is a circus trick.

The ability to walk on water AND manifestly contribute to society (world or otherwise) is what Jesus did. Please don't confuse your reference with the image you're attaching your clever line to.

October 16, 2009 at 12:47 PM  
Anonymous Billy Dean said...

As Bruce said, they have gone down hill progressively!!! Now it's just another international joke.

And here our president is part of it, but that's the way our government is going, so I guess unless people wake up!!!! we will all go down this road. Together!!! isn't that nice!!!!

Billy Dean

October 19, 2009 at 3:48 AM  
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